To launch DXA click the imaabo

KURE IMAGES (SEPT 29, 2005): 1 2 3 4 5 6  

Erecting one of the SteppIR vertical dipoles

The WIFI link from the SSB station to the COM station. This is the link that carries the data to be uploaded via the satellite link to the DXA website.

Ward NØAX entertaining the staff on Kure with his mandolin.

The DXA control software. The windows monitor the accumulation of QSOs from the individual stations (up to 6 stations), form packets of data, and send these packet to the satellite link  to thousands of patiently waiting ham radio operators.

Close-up of the DXA packet data in the queue for uploading.'re in the log!

The rainbow  that appeared after 24 hours of continuous server uptime.

Marine debris that collects on the coral at Kure. The staff cut this debris off the coral and drag it to the dock for later pickup.

 The beach on the north side of Kure. It is brilliant white, dazzling in the daylight.

Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012