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A multi-disciplinary expedition to Kure Atoll, the northernmost Hawaiian island, will be carried out during Sept-Oct, 2005. The goals of the project are:

  • Conduct amateur radio operations
  • Implement an advanced real-time internet-based communications system (DXA)
  • Carry out activites in support of the wildlife sanctuary and facilities on Kure.
We plan to establish four complete amateur radio stations on Kure, and conduct radio operations for approximately two weeks. The goal of these operations is to make as many contacts with other amateur stations worldwide as possible, maximizing the number of different stations and optimizing the distribution of contacts across the amateur bands and across geographical regions. The motivation for this is to participate in the worldwide activity of amateur radio, using it as a tool for fraternity and information. We expect to make more than 80,000 total radio contacts with 35,000 different persons during the expedition.

In conjunction with the radio activities, we will implement an advanced system for enhancing the radio amateur's experience by providing real-time feedback and interactivity with the expedition. The system, called DXA, is described in various documents available at: and is available in a working simulated expedition mode on this website. DXA will make use of a satellite data link and a dynamic website containing a database. It will be freely available using any browser. This innovative technology is expected to change procedures and expectations of future amateur radio expeditions.

In addition to the radio activities, we will be supporting the wildlife sanctuary by contributing to the maintenance and upgrading of the facilities used by natualists and managers and by contributing to managing the invasive species such as the weeds and the ants.

The Kure Expedition project is being managed by Cordell Expeditions, a nonprofit research group based in Walnut Creek, California. The group has fielded expeditions to remote sites for 25 years, and provided the scientific basis for the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. The Kure expedition team will be an international group of highly experienced radio amateurs and field scientists.

It is policy of this project to observe and operate within all permits, regulations, and recommendations of the various agencies with interest in Kure Atoll, with particular attention to minimizing impact on the ecosystem. Safety and minimal impact to the Kure Atoll environment have priority in this operation.

Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012