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The 2005 Cordell Expedition to Kure Atoll is a multi-discliplinary project supported entirely by donations and corporate sponsorship. Support comes from the following sources:
The budget for the project is $100,000. The largest portion of this goes to transportation to reach this extremely isolated atoll--60 miles beyond Midway Island, the location of the decisive Naval battle in WW II. Most of the funds for transportation are donated by the expedition team--15 men and women who are experts in field science, including radio operations, conservation, and education. The team includes professional engineers, scientists, educators, doctors, and writers. These individuals are making personal donations of $5000 to the project.

We would welcome the participation by you or your organization in this exciting project. To be fully successful, we must raise more than $25,000. Donations are tax-deductible according to the laws for U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. We will be happy to provide you with more information, and to properly document your contribution.

A simple way for an individual to make a small donation is to use the PayPal link.
Please be aware that PayPal charges a service fee of about 5% of the amount donated, so if you wish to make a somewhat larger donation, we suggest doing it by check.
Foundations and clubs normally will contact the Expedition Leader (Dr. Robert Schmieder). We are able to provide a statement of purpose, request for a specific amount, or complete application forms, as appropriate.

Corporations can make donations of the following kinds:
In addition to donations, corporations can avail themselves of the opportunity to obtain exposure of their products and services to the worldwide audience expected for the project. We are happy to consider any reasonable arrangement for including corporate logos on the expedition websites, testamonials, images and other materials from the expedition, and follow-on sales from discounts or other promotions. For more information, please go to the Corporate Sponsor page HERE.

Governmental agencies make contributions through access to information, copies of documents, issuing permits, and participation in scientific work and documentation.

Contributions by check should be made out to:

4295 Walnut Blvd.
Walnut Creek, Cal 94596
Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012