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24 Oct 2005

We have updated the online log available on DXA. Please log in and check your green squares. If there is a discrepancy between your log and that shown in the green squares, please write to Bob,  DXCC credit can only be obtained by sending your QSL cards to:
c/o K4TSJ
Box 1
Watkinsville, GA 30677

15 Oct 2005

The K7C team arrived in Hawaii safe and sound after 10 very rough days at sea.  The Machias averaged 155nm a day in 9 to 11 foot seas.  KK6EK reported conditions were sometimes very difficult aboard, having to strap themselves down to avoid being bounced around.  

Kimo Chun, KH7U met the team dockside and by the end of the day the Machias was unloaded and the first of several cases of beers were quickly dispatched.  They feasted at the Pagoda restaurant, and thanks to the generosity of Mike Mraz, consumed as much beer and soft drinks (ice cold) as they could hold.

They ate for two hours; some people said their goodbyes; and with that the K7C Kure Atoll DXpedition came to a close.

K7C's preliminary results page will be updated frequently over the next several weeks as we comb through the log and post official results.  We will announce when the official log is uploaded to DXA.  For those of you up nights wondering what happened to your 'greenie', there is light at the end of the tunnel.

14 Oct 2005

The K7C team has been sailing back to Hawaii for the past week.  On the evening of October 13th, we recorded some of the teams comments on a variety of important topics relating to operations on Kure Atoll.  Listen here.

6 Oct 2005

K7C has left the Atoll!  Wish them a safe and smooth voyage home.

5 Oct 2005

05Oct2005 2200Z K7C is QRT

Congratulations to all who are in our log, and thank you sincerely for helping us. In the next day we will post the basic statistics, and upload some more pictures. It will take additional time to update all the green squares. If you want to make a comment, send it to Thanks from the K7C team.

We have placed two K7C images in the "Screensaver Images" area above.  They make beautiful desktop background images (wallpaper).

We have posted the K7C Preliminary Results of the DXpedition.

Also available now is the Kure Daily News a dx diary just made available and written by Ward, N0AX

4 Oct 2005

04 Oct 2005 2330Z :

K7C wants to log as many FIRST-TIME-IN-THE-LOG STATIONS as possible. Therefore, from now until shutdown, we will take ONLY stations needing K7C for an all-time new one. If you already have a K7C QSO, please do not call--we will log only first-timers. Those stations that already have K7C, thanks for showing the ham spirit and remaining silent, to give the little guys a chance. OK, QRZ All-Time-New-Ones ONLY. CW and SSB Only.

3 Oct 2005

K7C announces that they are projecting QRT at 2000z October 5th, 2005 (Wednesday 9am local Kure time.)  The time remaining clock on DXA has been reset and now shows the correct time until QRT.  The team has already begun the task of transporting equipment back to the Machias and making other preparations so that they can make their return schedules.

As time is now short, there are many people who have not yet completed a contact to K7C, especially stations with modest operating equipment.  K7C would very much like to be able to work everyone and requests the following:

If you have a report from K7C, but all your "greenies" do not show up on DXA,  YOU ARE IN THE LOG!  Please do not make an insurance contact.  Let some of these other stations have a shot at working K7C in the time remaining.  We are working to update the DXA logbook completely shortly, but because of bandwidth constraints of the satellite uplink, this may not be possible at this point.  Please allow these other stations to try to work us.  Rest assured that if you were given a report, you're in the log and we look forward to seeing your QSL card in the mail.


1 Oct 2005

K7C Bulletin - Oct 1st

This is a short information bulletin to our DXer friends around the world.  We want you to know that we have heard your concerns regarding QSOs with DXers in Europe and other places on the other side of the polar path.  We've all been in your situation, so we have empathy for you.

Let's start with a technical consideration of which you should be aware.  As you already know, we are using vertically-polarized antennas very, very close to salt water and with large radial fields.  This makes our signal launch angle very, very low - quite a bit lower than most horizontally-polarized antennas on dry land.  As a result, the K7C signal has been reported to be very loud on the receiving end.  This doesn't mean, however, that you are just as loud here.  All it takes is a couple of extra "hops" from a higher launch angle and your signal will change from an easy-to-work S5 to being undetectable.  The K7C team has observed a number of occasions when it is obvious that you can hear K7C easily, but on our end the pileup is only an unworkable S-1 grumble.  This is most pronounced at the beginning and end of an opening so you may be hearing us long before or after we can hear you.  Marginal openings on the paths to Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa may be entirely "one-way" - incredibly frustrating for you to have K7C be as clear as bell, but not hearing the most important DXer of all - you.

While we can't change propagation and certainly don't want to raise our signal take-off angles, we can and will make sure that DXers far away from Kure know that we are making every reasonable effort to work them.  To that end, we will be  "listening for EU only" whenever an opening - even a low-probability, marginal one - is a possibility. We want to be clear - we have not discounted EU openings before now.  Everyone on the K7C team has considered EU to be the top priority since the onset of operations last week.  But we just haven't been hearing workable signals from EU except during the prime openings.  Nevertheless, it is important that the DX community has confidence that we are making every effort to make EU QSOs. In order to spend more time focusing on EU, we will have to ask our US and JA friends to stand-by and grit their teeth during some periods when it would be easy to work K7C.  We hope they'll understand that the special extra effort for the difficult paths is the same as made by expeditions to D6, FT5X, and 3B9 in the past.

How can the DXer that needs a QSO with Kure help themselves to make the contact without rushing to spend the college fund on an amplifier?  Fortunately, the steps are easy to take...

1) Listen.  One well-timed, well-placed call is better than an hour of random calling.  If you are transmitting, you are not finding out where or when we are listening.  Resist the urge to press the mike switch or send your call - listen for the right frequency at the right time, instead.

2) Follow the Golden Rule.  In a very weak pileup, bad pileup manners can close down an opening just as easily as low solar flux.  It takes very little rude behavior to drop the QSO rate from more than one per minute to nothing.  Take a deep breath and resist the urge to call over someone else.

3) Follow instructions.  If the K7C op says 200 to 205, you probably won't get in the log at 207 or 198.  Call ONLY when called or when the requested call is VERY CLOSE to yours.  If the K7C op says, "Radio Charlie", then N0AX should be quiet.  When we are working "SA and OC only", then NA should go get a drink, visit the head, or kick the dog.

4) Spread out according to the instructions.  If K7C says "Up 2" and everybody is exactly 2.00000 kHz up, it makes pulling out calls a very tough job.  Use timing to set your signal apart from others.  Send your full call and use standard phonetics every single time.

5) If you have a choice, use your lowest angle antenna, not necessarily the one with the highest gain.  The key is the launch or take-off angle of your signal.

Finally, please have patience and a little empathy for the team.  A DXpedition to a remote location like Kure is hard, uncomfortable work although the rewards of making DXers happy is ample compensation.  We're out here for you, even though sweat is puddling in our chairs or we are running low on sleep or maybe we were busy fulfilling our time commitments to the island administrator - part of the price of admission to Kure.  These are not excuses, just the reality of DXpeditioning that we all accepted when we signed up.  Imagine though, having a ghost crab nibbling on your toes just as you're trying to pull out that 50-watt-and-attic-dipole signal!  It's not like home.

Keep the faith, brothers and sisters.  We're pulling for you just as hard as we can - don't give up!

Ward Silver NØAX, for K7C Kure Island Dxpedition Team

1 Oct 2005

K7C has focused much of their attention on making European contacts over the past 24 hours.  Judging by a sharp rise in emails thanking the operators for their efforts, many more contacts there are being made.  Solar conditions for the weekend appear stable, but weak with the SFI at 72, but no storms predicted.

Weather conditions on Kure are very very hot.  The operating tents have been described as ovens during the middle of the day as the blazing hot sands reflect a lot of heat.  Preventing dehydration is a primary concern for KK6EK who imposed a mandatory break yesterday due to extreme conditions.

Our server has been very stable over the past few days.  We installed a monitoring program a few days ago and here are some of the stats from Sept 28th to Oct 1:

Total Hits 14165003
Total Files 9757333
Total Pages 3312823
Total Visits 56593
Estimated users: 26681
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 196736 315187
Hits per Day 4721667 4800627
Visits per Day 18864 21077

It is impressive to see that there are between 18,000 and 21,000 visits to the website and DXA per day!

30 Sept 2005

 FROM KURE via DXA:  K7C had a very productive night: about 3000 QSos in the log. We are disappointed in the conditions for working Eu...the ops are giving priority to Eu stations, but on this end the signals suffer from excessive flutter (it's a polar path, after all), producing a mushy, hard-to-copy pileup. The stations calling could help a lot by respecting the operators requests (e.g., "the alpha-foxtrot only").

DXA updates are behind schedule because the operator had to sleep and the satphone dropped off the line during the night. We will continue the process of updating the green squares to the best of our ability. Work us and log it like you would any other DXpedition. In the meantime, PLEASE, PLEASE understand that DXA IS NOT THE LOG!!!!!! DXA is a new, experimental concept. It developed unforseen problems when we deployed it for K7C that we have limited ability here to overcome. Thank you all for your patience and we'll look forward to your comments afterward.

If you are missing your green square our ops will verify that you are in the K7C log on the air, but please do not ask repeatedly trying to get that green square--take the operator's word for it--you're in the log. Thanks, everyone.


also, new pictures from Kure in Latest Photos 5

29 Sept 2005

HOT NEWS!  Our server has been up for 1 full day without crashing!!!

Current Time: Thursday, 29-Sep-2005 18:29:33 GMT
Restart Time: Wednesday, 28-Sep-2005 17:09:09 GMT
Parent Server Generation: 1
Server uptime: 1 day 1 hour 20 minutes 24 seconds
Total accesses: 4,666,979 - Total Traffic: 28.2 GB
CPU Usage: u17955.3 s924.664 cu0 cs0 - 20.7% CPU load
51.2 requests/sec - 324.7 kB/second - 6.3 kB/request
33 requests currently being processed, 15 idle servers

4.6 million hits! (each refresh, each frame, each http selection is a "hit"). This means that when Bob refreshes the DXA log the next time (later today) all calls should be in that log and your greenie should show up if it hasn't already by now.

29 Sept 2005

Knut, DJ1ZN emailed a wonderful tip today:

Hi, here is a tip for the dxer who is not sure if he is logged: Suggest to check a few other stations which have been worked by K7C to see if they got the green"stamp" hi. In my case: I worked K7C Sep 28 1913 Z. I am not logged, neither my neighbours W7UN 1920, DL8BN Again: congrats, great job and many hams like me are happy for the "new" one.

73s, Knut, DJ1ZN

29 Sept 2005

We are getting too many emails from contacts wanting us to check their log entries because they do not see them on DXA.  Please, read the DXA page and information here about the DXA log dealing with that issue.  We all know that we cannot change or in any way modify the official log based upon any email we get asking us to do so.

29 Sept 2005

29Sep2005 0036Z Please note: The DXA software currently does not recognize a portable sallsign, e.g., AA1A/W6. If we have logged you as a portable, you will not see your green squares. We will correct this when we can, and try to update the display for you. Please be patient. In the meantime, your QSOs are good in the K7C log. Remember, DXA IS NOT THE LOG. QSLing will be done from the K7C log only.

28 Sept 2005

We have made some additional changes to DXA that should prevent the server from overloading under the heavy loads it gets between 6-8am est.  Several users have reported that DXA "greenies" may not appear if your cookies are turned off.  We haven't tested this yet, but we advise you to enable your cookies for the domain.  But remember, please DO NOT DUPE if you received a report from an operator that does not show up on DXA.  You're in the log and you will still have to send in your qsl card and wait until you get a reply for DXCC credit.

The team has also acknowledged the problems Europeans are having on 14.195 and K7C will avoid that frequency.  They are also moving to frequencies that will benefit the general classes in the USA.

Some may be happy to know that Bob, KK6EK, has been run ragged around the island by the local naturalist.  I have heard rumors of simple manual labor jobs, but, only rumors.  We are waiting with baited breadth for news about the Ant Project which we will pass along as soon as we get some.  And, we expect to have some of the multi media running tomorrow.

26 Sept 2005

K7C team leader, KK6EK reports the following:

" 26Sep2005 2343Z  Here is our situation:  We are still struggling with a huge amount of physical tasks--antenna commissioning, station protection, moving water and gasoline, working for the resident naturalist, etc. We are very tired, there is limited ability at this moment to respond to individual requests for bands, modes, skeds, etc. Said differently, the overhead of getting the system up and running, plus the required service to the island naturalist, is more than we anticipated. This is a very complex operation, including the SteppIRs, BCS, Titanex antennas, networked computers, satellite link, etc., etc. I find it a challenge even to keep up with these communications, as easy as they should be. In a day or so, when we get out of dither mode, it should go more smoothly."

Here at home, we have made significant improvements to our server situation and will be in a position to provide the high bandwidth audio and image sections hopefully by Wednesday.  Since around mid-day (pst) today, DXA has been running very smoothly.  (Even your humble webmaster was lucky enough to be heard on 17 meters in the pile up and I saw my call come up on DXA...what a thrill compared to watching server logs!)

But the team is also experiencing a high number of dupes, which is most likely related to the fact that sometimes your "green square" doesn't show up immediately on DXA or is missing.  We have dealt with this issue in the post immediately below and are close to implementing a fix.  Rest assured that your call is in the log.  Please do not dupe your contact.

26 Sept 2005

As K7C comes on the air again, we are seeing emails about missing calls in the DXA log.  If  you do not see your call in the log, and you have been given a report from the operator, your call is in the log and will appear on DXA in a few days after we have uploaded a fresh copy from the official log.

26 Sept 2005

K7C reports that they spent the day yesterday finishing the antenna arrays, building shelters for eating, sleeping and storage of equipment.  They decided to complete all the tasks needed to support their operations before devoting themselves totally to operating on the air.  

The problems with DXA and the server loads are not preventing them from operating.  DXA is a work in progress that KK6EK and K6SGH are focusing on, NOT the operators.  If  you do not see your call in the log, and you have been given a report from the operator, your call is in the log and will appear on DXA in a few days after we have uploaded a fresh copy from the official log.

We have forwarded the many emails we have received, stressing those relating to the problems on 14.195 and the concerns regarding working Europe.  We have also forwarded the scores of supportive emails as well.  The team thanks everyone for their support and suggestions.  K7C's current limited operating time is a function of KK6EK's focus on the health and welfare of the team.  Once that is assured, there's going to be a great deal of RF generated from Kure Atoll.

25 Sept 2005

We just got these pictures from Kure.  Available here.

25 Sept 2005

K7C is on the air!  However, we are having difficulties with our ISP over the operation of DXA.  We have slimmed down DXA to focus only on the logging functions due to excessive server loads.  After talking a few hours to sleep and catch their breath this morning, K7C will be back on the air around 2000-2100z.  We will be adding the lost qso's to the DXA log.  PLEASE REST ASSURED that if your contact was confirmed by a K7C operator over the air, and it currently doesn't show up on DXA, it is in the log and it will appear on DXA in the near future after we have resolved these issues.  Thanks so much for all the wonderful emails of support we have been receiving.

24 Sept 2005

The K7C team is behind schedule in getting on the air due to the challenges of unloading equipment because of heavy seas.  The CW and SSB stations are nearly complete and the team expects to be QRV this evening.  We are also experiencing difficulties with our ISP and are working to resolve those issues.  We regret that we will, for the time being, remove some of the higher bandwidth material (audio and images) from DXA, but hopefully will be able to replace this material soon.  Whether these ISP issues are resolved or not, as soon as the stations are complete, they will go on the air!  Again, hopefully this evening.  It is 0400z as of this writing.  We will keep you posted as new information comes in.

24 Sept 2005

The K7C team decided  to wait until they were fully operational as opposed to what we previously reported as their intent to go on the air last evening.  They expect to be QRV today.  Watch DXA for more info as to when they intend to begin.

24 Sept 2005

K7C reports that unloading of all the equipment to Kure Atoll has taken longer than expected due to heavy seas.  The ship is anchored about 5 miles out from the lagoon.  With the high seas, their transport boats cannot go fast, taking about an hour each way plus loading and unloading.  They have 15 to 20 loads total so one can well imagine their task.  DXA has been implemented in real time and the wireless links between the logging computers and DXA is being completed.

K7C also reports that they intend to go QRV sometime around 0700z (it is 0400z as of this posting) in about 3 hours.  They have not reported which band, but no doubt 20 meters to start.  They will be operating a limited station while they complete their other tasks.  But one can well imagine their enthusiasm to get on the air asap.  Most likely Europe will get the first crack at a K7C contact.

23 Sept 2005

The K7C team are busy setting up their stations and shelters on Kure.  The local area network for the logging computers and DXA interfacing is also nearing completion. Everyone is very busy and excited to begin operations shortly.  Watch DXA for more announcements from Kure.

22 Sep 2005

K7C TEAM HAS ARRIVED ON KURE ATOLL!  The team is busy unloading equipment and people to the island.  The seas are 4 to 6 feet making the unloading process difficult and slow.  However, they expect to be QRV on schedule on Saturday the 24th.  Everyone is safe and in high spirits, although tired from the voyage.  The cw and ssb stations will be set up on the middle of the island on the north side.  Bob is busy setting up the satellite links to interface with DXA in realtime.  Watch DXA for new messages direct from Kure.

21 Sep 2005

K7C team will arrive on schedule in the early morning hours of the 22nd.  Their voyage has been pleasant and they have already made some radio contacts as K7C/mm.

15 Sep 2005 K7C team sails for Kure Atoll! THE K7C EXPEDITION IS UNDERWAY!
10 Sep 2005 The team is traveling! Starting today, the members of the K7C are on their way to Honolulu. They are coming from the U.S., Canada, and Germany.
26Aug 2005 The gear has shipped! You can see pictures of it here.
17Aug 2005 We announce the appointment of Steve K6SGH as the Chief Pilot and K7C Webman.
13-14 Aug 2005
The third work-weekend brought the K7C team together in the S.F. Bay area. The task for this weekend was gear packing.
15 July 2005
The K7C team was completed with the addition of Gerhard Richter DJ5IW and Arnie Shatz N6HC. Sadly, Mike N6MZ had to withdraw due to medical reasons.
9-10 July 2005
The second work-weekend brought the K7C team together in the S.F. Bay area. The task for this weekend was gear assembly and radio testing.
24-26 June 2005
Bob KK6EK attended the Hamradio convention in Friedrichshafen, Germany. He made a presentation about K7C, sold tee-shirts, secured a $1000 donation from the Swiss DX Foundation, and secured the donation of two 5-band vertical dipole antennas from the Swedish firm Lannabo.
28-29 May 2005
The first work-weekend brought the K7C team together in the S.F. Bay area. The task for this weekend was gear planning and preparation.
20-22 May 2005
The K7C team was part of the ICOM exhibit at the 2005 Dayton Hamvention, showing the latest version of DXA and details of the K7C operation.
16 May 2005
Due to insistence by the Hawaii State agencies that issue the permits for the expedition, it has been necessary to shift from the Aleutian Beauty to our backup vessel, the Machias.
4 May 2005
ACOM International agreed today to be a corporate sponsor of K7C. They will supply the DXpedition with linear amplifiers, courtesy Krassy Petkov K1LZ.
1 May 2005
INDEXA, the International DX Association, has announced a grant of $1000 to the Kure K7C project.
22 April 2005
Telenor agreed today to be a corporate sponsor of the K7C Dxpedition. The company is a retailer of Inmarsat satellite services.
16 April 2005
The K7C project was represented at the Visalia International DX Convention. A preliminary version of the new web application, DXA, was demonstrated.
17 March 2005
Expedition Leader Bob KK6EK completed a 4-day visit to Honolulu, to make arrangements for the vessel. A suitable vessel, the Aleutian Beauty, and a backup, the Machias, were found.
1 March 2005
Cordell Expeditions today announced publically the Kure Atoll 2005 Expedition. Simultaneously, the PDXG formally turned over the Kure project to the Cordell group. Cordell Expeditions notes the exceptional courtesy and generosity of the members of the PDXG, who have promised full support of the 2005 project.
17 Feb 2005
Expedition Leader Bob KK6EK met today with Cynthia Vanderlip, resident naturalist on Kure Atoll, to discuss procedures and projects on Kure.
22 Feb 2005
Expedition Leader Bob KK6EK and team member Mike N6MZ met today with Ray Novak N9JA of ICOM, America, who has agreed to be a major corporate sponsor of K7C, including equipment, DXA software development, and QSL cards.
9 Feb 2005
Four members of the K7C team, Bob KK6EK, Al AD6E, Garry NI6T, and Kathryn K6DZL, have completed a 6-day scoping visit to Honolulu, including meetings with members of the Pacific DX Group, including Kimo KH7U, Patrick NH6UY, and others.
29 Jan 2005
The callsign K7C has been reserved for the Kure DXpedition using the NCVEC online service. The call combines K(ure) and C(ordell).
3 Dec 2004
The three principals, KK6EK, NI6T, and AD6E met today to formulate the Kure Atoll DXpedition. Besides the radio operations, it was decided to develop a new real-time web application, called DXA, to be used for the first time on Kure. DXA will allow anyone with an ordinary browser to get information and images from the DXpedition in near-real-time, including individual bandmode entries in the K7C log.
15 Nov 2004
The Cordell group has contacted the Pacific DX Group, which has been planning a DXpedition to Kure for 2004 or 2005, to discuss procedures.
6 Oct 2004
Today Alan AD6E, Garry NI6T, and Bob KK6EK initiated discussions about the proposed Kure Expedition, to be managed by Cordell Expeditions.
Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012