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Ann Santos WA1S

Ann was first licensed in 1979 as KA1DNB. Upgraded to Extra in 1980 and has held WA1S since 1989. Enjoys DXing, CW (loves working the pileups), contesting, DXpeditions, scuba diving (Rescue diver), photography (including underwater) and alpine skiing. DXCC Honor Roll with 338 countries and 5BDXCC with 12, 17 and 30 meter endorsements. She holds Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering.

Major DXpedtions: VK9WY Willis Island in 1997 and K5K Kingman Reef (first YL) in 2000.

Other DXpeditions and calls: J38AA, J39A (CQWW CW) Grenada 1996, VK4AMS-Australia 1997, V63HO, V63X (CQWW CW) Micronesia 1998, T32R-Christmas Is. and KH5/WA1S-Palmyra Is. 2000, J3/WA1S, J38AA, J3A (CQWW CW) Grenada 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002, 8N1OGA-Ogasawara 2002, J38AA (CQWW CW) 2003, and VP9/WA1S, VP9I (CQWW CW) Bermuda 2004.

Major contest accomplishments – For the most part I have been part of multi/multi teams. Just out of curiosity I wanted to try SOLP to see how I would rank amongst the "best of the best." In 1997, 1998 and 1999 (new record) I won CQWW SSB U.S. SOLP. In 1997 CQWW SSB I was the FIRST YL in history to take a major category in a CQWW contest. In CQWW CW 1997 SOLP ranked 5th in the U.S. In 2003 I operated J38AA from Grenada in CQWW CW SOLP using only 100 watts into a Carolina Windom antenna. I made over 4,000 Qs and 4M points. Although I do operate SSB, CW is my preference. Some Multi operations included: J3A, J39A, V63X (M/S), VP9I (M/2) K1RX, K1XM, K1KP and K1NG (1980xs).


Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012