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We plan to erect four complete radio stations, two at each of two main locations indicated by the leftmost two markers on this photo. The locations were selected by the resident naturalist, to minimize interference with the monk seals, and to enable the stations to be separated as much as possible. A third site is available, indicated by the rightmost marker. It is the location of the old LORAN antenna. This site will be utilized only if there is a problem with either of the other sites.

Each of the four radio stations will have at least the following equipment:

The picture below shows the layout of a typical radio station (this station was used on the 2002 XRØX DXpedition). This is not the specific layout of the K7C radio stations, but only shown here for example.

The antennas will be mostly verticals or vertical arrays. These antennas range from 15 to 90 feet high, and are erected by simply pulling them up, held by guys. Each station will have several of these antennas or arrays. The picture below shows one of the antennas, a Titanex V160E, being erectedon Kure during the 1997 K7K DXpedition.


Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012