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Garry Shapiro NI6T

First licensed in 1956 at age 13 as KN2RQC. Upgraded to General a few months later. Never completed first DX QSO (with HP1EH)---ran out of shack screaming with joy. Built gear with miniscule allowance. Upgraded to Extra in 1959 for no particular reason. Completed Bachelor’s (RPI '63) and Master's (Stanford ‘67) degrees in Electrical Engineering and DXCC ('63). Began EE career in Silicon Valley in aerospace, then data communications and finally semiconductors.

Lured away from radio by the pleasures of the 60's and license lapsed; failed to notice. Re-licensed in ’82 as NI6T after a ham friend casually asked if I could still copy CW-- I could--but the home QTH in a canyon was not encouraging for DX. The DX fire lit again in ’89 while operating mobile on a fishing trip; started hanging out on ridgetops, building antennas, boring friends.

Invited on Contest DXpedition in '92 (T32) for CQWW RTTY; the bonefishing was excellent, as well. Member of '95 Conway Reef (ARRL DXpedition of the Year), and of '99 Rodrigues I. DXpeditions. Co-led (with N4XP) '00 Kingman Reef DXpedition.

Major DX interests include low bands, WARC’s, RTTY. Preferred mode is CW.

DXCC Honor Roll (Mixed, CW, Phone)
5BDXCC with 160, 17 and 12m endorsements

Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012