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John Kennon N7CQQ

John, 57, was licensed in 1970 at the age of 23 as WA6CZA. Today, he is working his way to the top of DXCC (phone) but is hampered by actually going to the DXCC location he needs. He participates in contests and field days. He has participated in DX contests from Bora Bora. (FO8DX 1997) and Jamacia in 2002. In addition he has First (1998) and Third (1997) place in the Nevada QSO parties winning again in 2004 as a member of the N7X Area 51Team in 2004.  John was a team member of the 1999 California QSO Party “Top California Multi-Multi Expedition K6Z.” John is also a DXpedition organizer QLS Manager and participant for FOØCI (Clipperton Island 1992), FO8DX and FOØKEO (Bora Bora 1997), TI/N7CQQ (San Jose, Costa Rica 1998), FOØAAA (Clippertion Island again 2000 – Team Leader - QSL Manager), D68C (Comoros Island 2001), XRØX (San Felix Island 2002 – QSL Manager), 6Y5/N7CQQ (Jamaica Island 2002), 3B9C (Rodriguez Island 2004), VP2MQQ and VP2MW (Montserrat Island 2004).

John is a member of the Southern California DX Club, Area 51 Contest Club, Central Arizona DX Association, Clipperton DX Club, and NCDXF. In all, John has visited 33 DXCC countries and operated from 11 countries. He is a low band enthusiast, sometimes operates 6 meters and prefers SSB. Other call signs he has held are: WA6CZA, KA7CQQ, FOØKEO, FOØAAA, TI/N7CQQ, VP2MQQ and N7CQQ.

John has a modest station using an ICOM IC-756 PRO transceiver and Alpha 76A amplifier. He has a LM-470 tower for 10, 6, 220, 2, and 440. He also has a 100’ guyed tower with a TH-7 beam that also supports a 160 meter sloper, and 80 meter inverted Vee. Lastly, there is an 80’ tower that supports a 40 meter and 80 meter Vee antenna as well as a Cushcraft A3WS antenna. His station towers are visible at the corner of US 95 and Nevada Highway 163 in Nevada

Professionally, John was the Payroll and Accounting Supervisor at Southern California Edison's Mohave Generating Station in Laughlin, Nevada. He retired early in 1996, after 26 years, because of (?) De-regulation at age 49. John now works as a Deputy Sheriff Bailiff at the Searchlight, Nevada and Laughlin, Nevada Justice Courts. He has one grown child and three grandchildren. He has an A. A. from Riverside City College, Riverside, California and was studying for his B. S. at University of Nevada at Las Vegas when he retired.

Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012