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Mike Mraz N6MZ

Michael was first licensed in 1966 at age 11, and has held N6MZ since 1977. His favorite ham pursuit is chasing countries on CW, but he also enjoys SSB and digital, especially high-speed meteor scatter. When not chasing the last 2 DXCC entities he needs, most of his time is occupied by traveling, homebuilding, sailing, scuba diving, and opera.

N6MZ's major DXpeditions include VKØIR Heard Island 1997, ZK1XXP North Cook 1997, KH9/N6MZ Wake Island 1998, 9M6OO Spratly 1999, and XRØX San Felix Island 2002. He has also operated from SV5, FR, FT5X, ZK1/s, 9V, VR2, G, ON, BV, 9M6, CE.

Retired from the high-tech field where he held various positions in engineering and marketing, N6MZ decided that DXpeditioning was much more fun than working for a living. He's now a consultant to one of the major amateur radio manufacturers. He earned a BSEE degree at Ohio State, where W8JK (sk) tried to teach him electromagnetics and radio astronomy.

Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012