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Steve Hammer K6SGH

I am very pleased to be able to contribute to the success of the K7C Kure Atoll DxPedition both as a relay team member as well has helping out maintaining the K7C website during the DxPedition.  Like many who very much enjoy listening to the pileups and the brief comments by the operators, this is a real thrill for me to be involved in this effort.  

The DXA application is unique in that it will give DX'ers an opportunity to stay in close contact with the DXpedition.  Messages from Kure, audio files sent in from the relay stations, propagation maps, current contacts and the ability to see your entries in the Kure Logbook make DXA truly unique.

My own interests include "OpXpeditions", transmitting from unusal place around California, the now famous Nojoqui Tarantula Migration DxPedition. Recently I have taught the Boy Scouts Radio Merit Badge at our local scout summer camp.  Currently, I am operating in the Route 66 On-The-Air! event as W6B.  Please visit my website through the link above.

Hope to see your call in the K7C log.  Cheers!


Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012