To launch DXA click the imaabo

The 2005 Kure DXpedition team had an active presence at the 2005 Hamvention in Dayton, May 20-22. Members of the team who were there were KK6EK, NI6T, NØAX, W6KK, N6MZ, and WA1S. The team was privileged to be part of the ICOM booth, and had the opportunity to display the operation of DXA. As in Visalia, it was enthusiastically received by all who saw it.
Bob KK6EK, Ann WA1S, and Garry NI6T at the ICOM booth with DXA running on the laptop
Charlie W6KK at the DXA pedestel, with Mike N6MZ behind the laptop
Ray Novak N9JA of ICOM introducing the amazing new ICOM IC-7000 radio
Part of the eager crowd around the ICOM booth
Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012