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Gerhard Richter DJ5IW

Education: Engineer of Telecommunication, RF Technique

Profession: German Aviation Industry : Firing Control Systems. Since 1970: Planning and selling of external communications systems , shipborne and land based. German export vessels around the world. After drop the Iron Curtain I worked for VOA and the last years for Mobile Communications companies. I am retired since 2003.

Radio activities:
Licensed June 1959
W/VE Contests (ARRL) CW and Phone under my call 1969, 1979. 1983 the first place in Germany. Other calls DL9PT, DJØFX and DLØFR.
1964 DXpeditions to San Marino together DL1VU and DL9PT as: M1VU and later 9A1VU (it was San Marino at that time).
I organized some field days for our club with the clubcall DLØFR.
1998 I made a Dxpedition together with DL1VU to Xmas Island. I worked as T32IW.
1999 an 2000 a was a member of the CN8WW team. I was responsible for travel coordination and for construction and manufacture of various interface boxes.
Since 1998 I worked nearly in all contests. 2003 we had high score in the CQ160m contest CW and SSB.
During October I was the leader of our DXpedition to VK9XW and VK9CD. See
2003 WWDX CW we worked under my call. CQ 160 CW I was with the crew DL6RAI
CQ160 SSB I had the callsign DAØBCC.
2003 ARRL 160m CW and Phone first place in Germany
2004 ARRL 160m CW (with DL6RAI) Phone (as DAØBCC)
2004 WWDX CW I was a member of OD5/DJ5CL See:
2005 WPX CW as VU3RIC from Delhi
Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012