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****************** For immediate release [please distribute] ******************

1 March 2005

We are pleased to announce a DXpedition to Kure Atoll, at the extreme northwestern end of the Hawaiian Islands, during Sep-Oct, 2005. The callsign for the operation will be K7C. Kure is currently #10 on DX-Magazine's Most-Wanted List, and #1 on the German DX Foundation's list. The radio team includes Bob KK6EK (Expedition Leader), Garry NI6T (co-organizer), Alan AD6E (co-organizer), Mike N6MZ, Ward NØAX, John N7CQQ, Charlie W6KK, Franz DJ9ZB, Max I8NHJ, Alan K6SRZ (Expedition doctor), and Kathryn K6DZL (Educational program), plus two more radio operators to be selected. The team will be QRV with four stations on all bands/modes, including 6m and RTTY. In addition to the radio operations, the group is developing an innovative real-time interactive web-satellite-based system called "DXA." This system will enable the DXer to see and interact with activities of the operation as they happen, using any web browser. The group also will be carrying out several scientific projects in collaboration with naturalists on the atoll to help restore and protect its fragile ecosystem. Finally, the group is developing an educational program that will utilize the DXA resource to enable students to learn from and interact with the onsite team. The project is being strongly supported by ICOM and the Pacific DX Group (Kimo KH7U and Patrick NH6UY). The team and project will be visible at Visalia and Dayton. QSL Manager is Tom N4XP, %K4TSJ, Box 1, Watkinsville, GA 30677. The team welcomes comments and suggestions, pilots, programmers, and contributions. The project is being managed by Cordell Expeditions, a nonprofit research organization with a 25-year history of successful expeditions to remote oceanic sites. For more information, please e-mail (use "Kure7Cordell" in the Subject line) or any member listed above, and look at the full description on (click on the 2005 Kure Expedition link).

For more information about this Release, please contact:

Dr. Robert Schmieder
4295 Walnut Blvd.
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 934 3735

Copyright © 2012 Robert W. Schmieder All rights reserved. Last update: Monday, February 13, 2012