The Heard Island Project is being implemented by the Project Directors:
Robert Schmieder KK6EK
Peter Casier ON6TT
The Project Directors will manage the Project, and they will also act as the Expedition Leaders, i.e., they will lead the actual Expedition to Heard Island. They have the following authorities and responsibilities:
Robert Schmieder is primarily responsible for permits, logistics, safety, schedules, camp operations, scientific programs, and documentation. Peter Casier is primarily responsible for radio operations, electronic gear, communications, pilots stations, public relations, and logs. Both will be responsible for team building, fundraising, training, international liaison, and team functioning.
The Project Directors reserve for themselves all authorities and responsibilities not specifically stated for the Executive Board (see below).
The Project Directors hereby establish and empower an Executive Board, consisting of the Project Directors plus the following:
Ralph Fedor KØIR
Bob Fabry N6EK
Carlos Nascimento NP4IW
The Executive Board will have the following authorities and responsibilities:
The Board will function by simple majority vote. Anyone, whether a participant in the Project or not, has the right to bring any matter involving the Project before the full Board. By vote of at least 4 to 1 any Board member may be replaced by a different person.
In order to provide broad oversight and liaison with various communities with interest in the project, we establish an Advisory Board, consisting of the following:
The Advisory Board will have no responsibilities or powers, but will be kept informed and may offer advice and make recommendations.