Dave has been a licensed ham since 1970 has enjoyed a passion for DXing and CW Contesting. An experienced DXpeditioner he has traveled to and operated from 30 different DXCC entities. They include being a member of the last group of hams on Navassa (KP1) in 1993 and joining KK6EK and XE1L on Easter Island (XR0Y) in 1995.
His list of operations are: 3DA0, 6W, 6Y5, C6A, CE, CE0A, EI, FJ, FM, GI, J3, J6, KH6, KP1, KP2, KP4, LU, OX, P4, PJ2, PZ, TF, V2, V31, VE (Zone 2), VP2E (twice), VP5 (6 times), VP9, ZP and ZS. He maintains details of each trip at www.wj2o.com.
Dave has been a small business entrepreneur since the age of 22 managing a number of different enterprises. He currently operates a software and database development firm. He and his wife raised two daughters and enjoy three grandchildren