Personal statement: I was born in 1976 I started with Amateur Radio in 1990 at the age of 14. Thanks to CU7/DL5AXX I learned how to go on DXpedition. Just a plastic bag full of personal stuff and 300kg of radio gear!
I already worked some 300 DXCC's. And meanwhile I have the luck to go on DXpeditions to countries I never worked before. Sounds like self-castigation, doesn't it?
Activities: Mainly active on 2m and 70m the first years I more and more got addicted to the short waves. My first short wave contest was the CQWW SSB 1993 which ended up in using CT afterwards for post-editing the messy paper log and a membership in the Bavarian Contest Club.
My first DXpedition took place in 1997 when I made over 6,000 QSOs from the Faroes (OY). The big landmark in my contest/DX life was definitely the participation in CN8WW in the CQWW SSB 2000 ending up in the still existing Multi/Multi world record.
Previous operations: 4O3A, 4U1VIC, 9Y4TBG, A61AJ, CN8WW, CS8W, CU7/DL5AXX, KC1XX, KO2WW, LX5A, OY6A, R3/DL1MGB, S50S, VK9DNX, VK9DWX, Z37M, ZL8X
Professional: Now at the age of 35 I am working as a field application engineer for a RF connector company in south-east Bavaria.