The 2002 Cordell Expedition to
For a quick look at the highlights of the expedition, go to the HOME PAGE
A radio amateur expedition to San Felix Island (Chile) was conducted in March 2002, using the callsign XRØX.
Lying in the Pacific northwest of Valpariso, San Felix is a barren rocky island about 2 km across, with two small islets nearby. Access to the site is restricted, due to the presence of a military garrison there. Little is known of the natural history of the island or of its possible prehistoric importance.
The major goal of this expedition was to provide radio contact with this remote and seldom-activated island. A secondary goal was to document indigenous species, especially terrestrial plants and marine invertebrates.
The expedition was organized and led by Carlos Nascimento NP4IW/CE3AQI. The project was sone in conjunction with Cordell Expeditions, a nonprofit organization that has carried out expeditions to remote sites for more than 20 years. Recent activities of this group include the 1995 Easter Island/Salas y Gomez (XRØZ/Y) and the 1997 Heard Island (VKØIR) expeditions, for which Carlos was a principal contributor and strategist. All permits, including landing, radio operation, and specimen collections were obtained.
The 12-member team included the following radio amateurs: NP4IW, K5AB, I8NHJ, N7CQQ, DJ9ZB, N6MZ, KO4RR, KK6EK, W6KK, HB9AHL, K5AND, and N6TQS. The team and a 24-ft. container of gear traveled from Valparaiso (Chile) to San Felix aboard the Chilean Navy vessel Chacabuco, and was airlifted on the island by Chilean Navy helicopter. The vessel then proceeded on to Easter Island, leaving the team on San Felix. Returning 2 weeks later, the vessel retrieved the crew and gear, and then returned to Valparaiso.
The expedition was financed by the participants and by donations from DX associations, radio clubs, and individuals. Contributions made to the expedition through Cordell Expeditions are eligible for U. S. tax deduction as a donation to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Scientists interested in specimens from San Felix are invited to inquire.
The San Felix Expedition website is
Last update: 4 May 2002 R. W. Schmieder