The team

Alan Brown K5AB

20125 W. Lake Pky.
Georgetown, TX 78628

Retired after 20 years of stress in the Computer Industry, and very much enjoying this fine hobby for the past 33 years. Now, 47 years on the planet, I'm having fun with both the technical and the operational side of Amateur Radio. I enjoy the following design/ construction projects: RF power amps, power supplies, antennas, and micro controllers for repeater stations. Operating finds me DXing, wondering about propagation, and QSLing. Previous DXpedition: Kingman Reef 2000, K5K. 6m and 160m are the most challenging DX bands to me.

Doug Faunt N6TQS

6405 Regent St.
Oakland, CA 94618

I was first licensed in 1967 as WN4EXQ, but only became active, on HF RTTY, in 1997, thanks to K6XN and an old friend, K6RFM, who showed me RTTY contesting. I've operated in many RTTY contests since then using my modest home station, and have 152 countries on RTTY. I have given the RTTY community substantial numbers of contacts as MDØBPI and as part of the FOØAAA and September 3D2CI efforts. I am almost exclusively a RTTY op, but hope to do some satellite operating on this trip. I'm a retired engineer, live in Oakland, California, and read a lot, especially science fiction and maritime literature and history. I've been married since 1995 and my partner, Lyn, KD6HXY, is finishing a doctorate in public health at UC Berkeley.

Dick Hanson K5AND

7540 Williamsburg Dr.
Cumming, GA 30041

First licensed in 1953 as WN0UUU, in Grand Island, Nebraska. Other domestic calls include K5AND, W1DVN, WØNHR and N5BAR. DX calls held: ZF2GF, J88/N4HSM, V2A/N4HSM, P40H, V47SIX, 6Y5/N4HSM, FG/N4HSM, KP2/N4HSM, XE2/N4HSM, VP5H, VP2E/K5AND, J79AND, VP2MJD, V31RH and 9G5AN. President for two years of Southeastern VHF Society. Like to build big amplifiers and antennas. Really like to do VHF expeditions (as above may indicate). Enjoy VHF mountaintop contesting. Published in QEX. Business and personal: BA Univ. of Texas, Austin; 18 years with HP. Left to start Southern Staircase in 1983, (president). Married to same good woman for 36 years. Two children, both married. My wife, Kathie, is a portrait artist and helps with marketing here at work. See Other hobbies: streetrods, fishing, hunting.

John Kennon N7CQQ

P. O. Box 31553
Laughlin, Nevada 89028

John, 54, was licensed in 1970 at the age of 23. Today, he is working his way to the top of DXCC (phone) but is hampered by going to the DXCC location he needs. He participates in contests and field days. He has participated in DX contests from Bora Bora. (FO8DX). In addition he has First and Third place in the Nevada QSO parties and was a team member of the 1999 California QSO Party "Top California Multi-Multi Expedition K6Z". John is also a DXpedition organizer and participant, using such calls as FOØCI, FO8DX, TI/N7CQQ, FOØAAA and D68C. John is a member of the Southern California DX Club. In all, John has visited 27 DXCC countries and operated from 12 countries. He is a low band enthusiast, and prefers SSB. Other call signs he has held are: WA6CZA, KA7CQQ, FOØKEO, FOØAAA, TI/N7CQQ and N7CQQ. Recently, John participated in D68C, the record breaking 2001 Comoros Five Star DX Association mega expeditions. John has been to Clipperton Island two times during the ten years, most recently as the team leader of Clipperton2000. This expedition team won the DXpedition of the year at Dayton, 2000.

Professionally, John was the Payroll and Accounting Supervisor at Southern California Edison's Mohave Generating Station in Laughlin, Nevada. He retired early in 1996, after 26 years, because of  (?) De-regulation at age 49. John now works as a Deputy Sheriff at the Searchlight, Nevada Justice Court (two days every other week!). He has one grown child and three grandchildren. He has an A. A. from Riverside City College, Riverside, California and was studying for his B. S. at University of Nevada at Las Vegas when he retired.

Franz Langner DJ9ZB

P.O. Box 150
D-77955 Ettenheim, Germany

QTH: Ettenheim, South West Germany. Profession: Electronic technician, working for LITTON now Northrop Grumman, Freiburg. Licensed since 1964.


Awards: DXCC, 5BDXCC, 5BWAZ.

DXpeditions: 4W1ZB, JY8ZB, TA2DX, C5ABL, OE6XG/A, J20CP, J20/A, 3A3WPX, T70A, HBØBOE, C31LY, VK9ZR (Mellish Reef & Willis Is.) PYØSK, PYØSR, KB6IRD/KH0, FOØXX, PA3CXC/STØ, ET3DX, E31A, E3ØBA, E3ØGA, 9E2A, 3XA8DX, J5Z, 6O1Z, 5U7Z.

Author: "DX World Guide" book, "DX-Jahrbuch 2001"

Michael Mraz N6MZ

15526 Se. 50th St.
Bellevue, WA 98006

Michael was first licensed in 1966 at age 11, and has held N6MZ since 1977. His favorite ham pursuits are CW on the low bands (especially on expeditions), but he also enjoys SSB and digital. When not chasing the last 3 DXCC entities he needs, sailing, scuba diving, homebuilding, hiking, and opera take up most of his time.

Major DXpeditions include VKØIR Heard Island 1997, ZK1XXP North Cook 1997, KH9/N6MZ Wake Island 1998, 9M6OO Spratly 1999. Also operated from SV5, FR, FT5X, ZK1/s, 9V, VR2, G, ON, BV, 9M6.

Max Mucci I8NHJ

Via Pianelle snc Condominio Gusani
Cusanelli, 86019, VINCHIATURO, Italy

Born in 1958 and first licensed in 1974 as IW8XAC. Upgraded to Normal in the subsequent examination. A young ham hasn't the power to build large antennas and run enough watts to ensure a big signal so I'd learn and develop all the practice needed to work all that rare countries. During the 70's completed the major awards (WAC, 5BWAC, WAZ and DXCC) running QRP and enjoying low bands. The dream still was to have much aluminum on the roof and be on the other side on the game. During the 80's there was a lack in the activity due to the studies (Master in Information Technology), the work and the girls. Just like some other of the gang I was sleeping (documented) while Bouvet was over. In the early 90's bought new house, ICOM, quad and PA, all together and the play become rough. Always in need of test out myself, convinced Monica EL2PP to have me there in Liberia to bring up that country in CW during the CQWW and, with a machine-gun shot and a refueling of the generator, achieved a 2nd world place in single op/low power class. My dream become realty while conducting the pile-up from 1AØKM, from JT1Y and from E3ØGA at last. My biggest effort was K5K, the successful expedition to Kingman Reef in autumn 2000. My first QSL is a letter of thanks my grandfather received from Guglielmo Marconi because his help in some experiments. Preferred mode - CW. Primary interest - low bands. At present time my job is IT Consultant and Chief Executive of my own Company involved in IT market. I achieved some interesting work-related certifications like CISCO CCDA. I’m also a scuba-dive instructor. AWARDS: DXCC Honor Roll, Mixed, CW, Phone, 5BDXCC, 5BWAZ, WAZ CW QRP IOTA. CLUBS AND ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: ARI, INORC, DIAMONT DX CLUB.

Carlos G-Nascimento NP4IW/CE3AQI

2061 Magnolia Way
Walnut Creek, CA 94595

Carlos is a biochemist. Most of his career was at Chiron Corporation. He has over 55 scientific publications and 4 U.S. patents. He was born and raised in Santiago, Chile. He left Chile over 30 years ago and came to the U.S. to continue his education. For a few years lived in Puerto Rico, where he was licensed with his present Extra Class. In addition, he holds an Extra Class license in Chile (CE3AQI). He was one of the organizers (with KK6EK) of the 1995 Easter Island/Salas y Gomez expedition. He personally led the expedition to Salas y Gomez (XRØZ), resulting in a new IOTA (SA-083). He was one of the organizers of the 1997 Heard Island (VKØIR) expedition, and is the prime organizer and expedition leader for the San Felix XRØX DXpedition.

Joseph M. Owen KO4RR

434 Smith Rd.
Box Springs, GA 31801

First licensed in 1978. Retired from the US Army in 1987 as a MSG (E8). While in the Army I was in the medical field the entire 23 years. Spent a few years working on an oil-drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico as the medical and safety director. Retired to do DXing. Living way out in the country on 15 acres, there is plenty of room to plant towers and antennas. Antennas are a Mosley PRO57B40 at 72 feet, a Cushcraft 10M mono bander at 64 feet and wire antennas for low bands. Ham station consists of a Kenwood TS850 & TL922 amplifier and a JRC 135 with JRC 2000F amplifier on base and TS50 mobile. XYL is also ham her call N4WV.Mode of choice SSB.

Primary interest DXing. DXCC total at 312.

DXpeditions:· E3ØGA Eritrea. T32R- Christmas Island. KH5/KO4RR- Palmyra. K5K- Kingman Reef. I5/KO4RR.

Memberships: ARRL, SEDXC, NCDXF.

Willy Ruesch HB9AHL

Bahnhofstrasse 26
CH-5000 Aarau, Switzerland
+41 62 822 06 29

Willy is a doctor of science technology and works as a forest engineer for the Swiss government. Licensed since the age of 17, Willy is a CW and phone op, DXer (Top of Honor Roll, 5BWAZ, 5BWAS/5BDXCC,..) and an experienced expeditioner. DXpeditions: SV1DB/A (Mt. Athos, 1973), TI9FAG (Cocos, 1975), FOØXC (Clipperton, 1978),3Y5X (Bouvet,1989/90) NØAFW/KH5 (Palmyra, 1993), N9NS/KH5K (Kingman, 1993), 3YØPI (Peter I, 1994), VKØIR (Heard Island, 1997), 3B7RF (St. Brandon, 1998), FOØAAA (Clipperton, 2000). Amateur calls: CX7BY, FØCKF, TRØR, HB4FF , W4VPD, KH6VP, SV1DB, TI2FAG, TI8JAM, VK6AHL, VP8BZL, VP8CPM, ZD8D, 4K1F. Maritime Mobile: F6AQI/mm, HB9AHL/mm, LA5X/mm, N9NS/mm, TI2FAG/mm, TOØR/mm. Aeronautical mobile: HB9AQM/am (aboard the hydrogen-balloon HB-BON). Commercial /army: FNIN (M/V Marion Dufresne), HBK91 (Swiss Disaster Relaese), HBM46 (Swiss Army), JXEQ (MV Aurora), UQYC (MV Akadenik Fedorov), UTSU (M/V Kapitain Khlebnikov), WCD 7849 (M/V Shogun), WI 2783 (M/V Machias).

Robert Schmieder KK6EK

4295 Walnut Blvd.
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
925-988-9650 (w)

925-934-3735 (h)

Bob is the founder and Expedition Leader of Cordell Expeditions, a nonprofit research group begun in 1977. The group is responsible for the field work that led to the designation of the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. First licensed in 1962 as KN7ONY. Current license Extra Class KK6EK. He has been active in Islands on the Air (IOTA), having activated five "New Ones": Farallons, NA-178; Guadalupe, NA-179; Roqueta, NA-183; Northern California Group, NA-184; and Central California Group, NA-187. Other calls he has held are XF1/KK6EK, VP8CPK, 4K1/KK6EK, CEØ/KK6EK, and VK6EKK. DXpeditions include 3YØPI, XRØY, VKØIR, XRØX. Life member of the Arizona DX Association. Author of 7 books derived from his expeditions. Fellow of the Explorers Club and former Chairman of its Northern California Chapter. He is honored by Schmieder Bank (a rocky bank in the eastern Pacific), Codium schmiederi (an alga), Erylus schmiederi (a sponge), and Pharia pyramidata schmiederi (a starfish), and Megalomphalus schmiederi (a gastropod). He has been listed in almost every Who's Who in the world. He is the owner and operator of a research vessel, the Cordell Explorer. Professionally a physicist, with more than 100 technical publications, several patents. Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories for 25 years, where he did research on laser/matter interaction, combustion physics and chemistry, plasma device simulations, simulation of collective dynamics of complex systems, and nanotechnology. In 1997 he left Sandia to found a startup company, NanoLogic, Inc. The company is developing intellectual property on incorporating nanotechnology in computers.  

Charles Spetnagel W6KK

5327 Carol Ave.
Alta Loma, CA 91701-1205

Charlie, 52 was a member of the 1992 FOØCI Clipperton DXpedition. He has operated from Cayman Islands 93 & 94 (ZF2JI) , Bora Bora 1997 ( FO8DX), Guadeloupe 1998 (FG5BG), US Virgin Islands 2000 (WP2Z) and the Netherlands Antilles 2001 (PJ2/W6KK) and has been a team member at W6BA and N6AW for CQWW contests. Charlie is a member of the Southern California DX Club, Southern California Contest Club, Northern California DX Foundation and life member of the ARRL. He is on the DXCC Honor Roll with 336 confirmed and holds 7BDXCC. Previous calls include WB6SLI, N7QQ, ZF2VT, FOØSPE, FG/W6KK KP2/W6KK and PJ2/W6KK. Charlie is employed by an electric utility as a telecommunications supervisor. He is married with one child.