Heard Island Expedition 1997 (Planning Documents)


Ralph Fedor KØIR


Ralph Fedor - Antenna Czar

This document sets forth a plan for erection of antennas upon our arrival on Heard Island. There are variables, both known and unknown which may alter this plan. Hence, this plan is not etched in stone. It serves as an initial starting point.

Deployment of the beams and a vertical system that will cover 80 through 10 meters will be the first priority. Thereafter priority will be given to a vertical system that will cover 160 meters and concurrently a vertical system that will be most effective on 30 meters.

The vertical system that we will use to initially gain access to the low bands will be a decision made on site. It will depend on the strength of the winds at the time, the terrain, and the amount of daylight we have available to do our work. The Battle Creek Special may be the first low band vertical to be erected since it covers 40, 80, and 160. However, if the winds are too high, another vertical system will be easier to erect.

Once the beams and basic vertical antennas are in place, operation can commence. Then work on the more elaborate antennas can be completed. The more elaborate antennas include the 4-square arrays.

Placement of the beams is proposed as follows:











The elements will be relatively parallel when the beams are pointed north to northwest. Note that there are two 20 meter monobanders to maximize our ability to operate SSB and CW concurrently on 20 meters. A single 40 meter beam can be shared between the two op sites (it is doubtful that we can operate SSB and CW concurrently on 40).

We will have major redundancy on the ìpremium bandsî -- 20, 30, 40, and 80 meters.

I feel that positioning of the four square arrays will have to be an ìon siteî decision. These arrays require considerable area. Local topography, ruins, anchorage, wildlife runs, and how all these relate to feed line length we have available will have to be evaluated to decide on placement of these arrays.

Bands that will be heavily utilized on CW (160, 80, and 30) will have antennas most accessible to the CW shelter.

I will defer placement of the satellite antennas to PA3DUU. We will all support Arie with our help whenever he needs it.

Our push-up masts will not survive if they are fully extended. Our masts are 40 ft. when fully extended. I doubt they will survive if extended beyond 20 ft. Leave them partially collapsed to add to their strength. I have seven heavy duty tripods to support the push-up masts at their bases.

Our guy lines will be stressed. They will require adjustment and re-tensioning. Please learn how to tie off a guy line so that your knot can be released easily when adjustments are needed. Ask me about this on the ship if you need help.

Another on-site assessment weíll need to make is the impact of birds on our antennas or vice-versa. There are multiple species of birds on Heard that like to swoop low to investigate (or attack). If our guy lines impale these creatures, the guys may need to be made more visible with fluorescent tape strips. I have packed tape for this purpose.

Lastly, the deployment of the antennas will have to be coordinated with the plans and needs of the radio czar, the power czar, and the general logistics required by the team leaders. All of this is a cooperative venture that we need to bring together to form a well-tuned machine.


Triband Beams:

Cushcraft A3S tuned for CW with 30 meter kit
Cushcraft A3S tuned for SSB

WARC Beams:

1 Cushcraft A3WS with 30 meter kit; 1 Cushcraft A3WS without 30 meter kit.

Monobander Beams:

Cushcraft 15-3CD
Cushcraft 20-3CD
Cushcraft 40-2CD

Vertical Antennas:

Cushcraft R7 multiband vertical
Battle Creek Special (160, 80, 40 meter capability)
ON4UN 80 meter vertical
ON4UN 160 meter vertical

Antennas supplied by WØGJ:

4-square array for 160 meters
4-square array for 80 meters
4-square array for 40 meters
2-vertical array for 30 meters
2-vertical back-up array for 20 meters
(phasing lines and switching units are included with the above)

Satellite antennas:

To be supplied by PA3DUU

Support systems:

There are seven tripod support systems available. Each tripod will accept a 40 ft. push-up mast which will be guyed at two levels and extended to the 20+ ft. level. One tripod will be dedicated to the satelitte antennas, one tripod will support the 15 meter beam and the WARC beam, the others will support a single beam.

Feed lines:

150 ft. lengths of RG-213/U will serve as principal feed lines for the HF beams.

Additional 100 and 50 ft. lengths of coax are available to be patched in for added length when required. All connectors have been pre-installed. When baluns are required, current baluns will be used in lieu of coaxial baluns.

Antenna separation:

Antenna separation will be maximized to the extent possible by providing 150 ft. 240 and 120 VAC lines (10-3) from the generator area and 150+ ft. coaxial feed lines. Atlas Cove is a relaitively open area that should allow this although local tussocks, existing ruins, and terrain may have an impact on antenna placement.satelliterelatively

Back-up systems:

Keeping beam antennas up will be a challenge on Heard Island. We have a number of antennas available from the Easter Island DXípedition which can be used for back-up antennas. Several will be brought along but not deployed unless necessary. We already have duplication on the key bands: 20 meters can be accessed with the tribanders, the monobander, or the phased verticals. 30 meters can be accessed with the WARC antenna or the phased verticals. 40 meters can be accessed with the monobander, the Battle Creek Special, or the phased verticals. 80 meters can be accessed with the Battle Creek Special, ON4UNís vertical, or the phased verticals. 160 meters can be accessed with the Battle Creek Special, ON4UNís vertical, or the phased verticals. In addition the R7 will cover 40 through 10 meters and if antennas get damaged we should be able to salvage enough aluminum to construct additional verticals for 10 through 20 meters.

General comments:

The antennas in my posession have all been preassembled and marked with color coded tape for easy assembly.

We will orientate and position antennas in such a fashion that antennas likely to be utilized on the same band at the same time will be as widely separated as possible with elements parallel as much as possible.

Our antenna inventory is huge. It is reasonable only because we have a team of twenty and will likely have enough manpower to erect the antennas in a timely fashion and maintain them during the DX/pedition. We must guard against having too many which take too long to erect and which consume all our time and energy to maintain. ß®8©í, radials,Receiving antennas:

WØGJ is also providing components for beverages for the low bands.

It is my opinion that we should assemble a complete, basic antenna system for 80 through 10 meters, making all these bands available for use before commencing operations. Thereafter, after operations have commenced, we can proceed with erecting the auxillary or more complex systems and the 160 meter antennas. I defer this decision to KK6EK and ON6TT, however.

Directional antennas will be rotated by a rope tied to the end of the boom.

Six to eight anchor points will be required for each mast supporting an antenna. In addition, the Battle Creek Special requires four to eight anchor points and the other verticals require guying. This will consume a lot of anchor stakes.ete, basic antenna system for at least 80hrough 10 meters and if beamsOur antenna inventory is huge. It is reasonable only because we have a team of twenty and will likely have enough manpower to erect the antennas in a timely fashion and maintain them during the DX/pedition. We must guard against having too many which take too long to erect and which consume all our time and energy to maintain.

Receiving antennas:

WØGJ is also providing components for beverages for the low bands.

Six to eight anchor points will be required for each mast supporting an antenna. In addition, the Battle Creek Special requires four to eight anchor points and the other verticals require guying. This will consume a lot of anchor stakes.ete, basic antenna system for at least 80 through 10 meters and if beams We have black dacron rope for guy lines.

WØGJ Antennas

The following inventory has been shipped by WØGJ:

Crates 1 and 2 are Clean Czar materials)

3. BEVERAGE & TOOL BOX ( 10.5"H x 13"W x 74.5"L)

Electric fence posts (bundle of 25) x 2
Fence post insulators (bag of 25) x 2
17 gauge electric fence wire x 1/2 mile (~2600')
RG-8X 500' spool x 1
I.C.E. Beverage Matching Box x 3
I.C.E. Beverage Termination Box x 3
Sledge hammer (maul) x 1
Pick-axe x 1
Fence post driver x 1
Wooden dowel 1" x 3' x 1

4. 160M 4-SQUARE ARRAY BOX (19"H x 20.5"W x 8'L)

Mast 2"x90" x 4
Antenna base (tubing inside) x 4
Top inductor section x 4
Bottom inductor section x 4
Radial inductors x 16
Radial wire short x 16
Radial wire long x 16
Plastic basin 20" x 15" x 5" x 1
Plastic basin 13" x 10" x 5" x 3
Control box x 1
Phase box x 1
20/3 control cable (500') x 1
RG-8X 500' spool x 1
RG-11Foam Phasing lines on spool x 4 (all on one spool)
Wooden dowel 1 1/4" x 5' x 1
Spool of 1/8" guy rope (pre-cut) x 1
Guy stakes (1.25" x 1.25" angle iron, about 28" long) x12
Survey flags x 10
Hardware pack
1" x 7 1/2" tubing x 4 (connects the inductors)
Scotch 33+ x 1
SO-239 pigtails x 5 (one spare)
Mast clamps x 12 (3 per 4-SQ) plus 4 spare nuts)
Guy eyelets x 5 (one spare)
Hose clamp
#16 x 4
#10 x 12
#6 x 8
#3 x 4
10x24 1" hardware plus spares
Manuals in Zip-Lock bag
Gladiator 160M vertical
DX Engineering 4-SQ Phase box manual

5. 80M 4-SQUARE ARRAY BOX (16"H x 15.5"W x 8'L)

2" x 6' Masts (tubing inside) x 4
Bases x 4
Inductor sections x 4
Radial wire (pre-cut) spool (for 4 verticals) x 1
RG-11Foam phasing lines (4) on spool
3/20 control cable 500' spool x 1
Control Box x 1
Phase Box x 1
1/8" rope, spool ~600' uncut
Guy stakes (1.25" x 1.25" angle about 28" long) x 12
Plastic basin (13" x 9" x 5") x 2
Survey flags x 5
Hardware pack
Mast clamps x 12
SO-239 pigtails x 5 (1 spare)
Hose clamps
#16 x 4
#10 x 12
#6 x 8
Scotch 33+ x 1
10-24 x 1" hardware plus spares
Manuals in Zip-Lock bag
Gladiator 80M vertical
DX Engineering Phase Box manual

6. 40/30/20M CONTROL & CABLE BOX (18.5"H x 18.5"W x 62.5"L)

RG-11Foam 40M phasing lines on spool (8 lines)
RG-8X 500' spool x 3
20/3 500' control cable spool x 2
1/8" rope guys, set of 24 on spool x 2
40M radial spool (complete set for 1 4-SQ) x 2
30M radial spool (for 2 verticals)
20M radial spool (for 2 verticals)
30M phasing cable set
Coax "T" connector
RG-11Foam x 2
RG-8X x 1
20M phasing cable set
Coax "T" connector
RG-11Foam x 2
RG-8X x 1
40M Control Box x 2
40M Phase Box x 2
Plastic basin (13" x 9" x 5") x 1
40M Hardware set plus spares
30 & 20M Hardware set plus spares
Manuals in Zip-Lock bag
DX Engineering phasing manuals
Vertical phasing manuals

7. 40M ANTENNA BOX (12"H x 14.5"W x 12'4"L)

40M Bottom section (top sections inside) x 8
40M Middle section x 8
40M Top section x 2 spare
Insulated base x 8
Short ground rod x 8
Stakes (1.25" x 1.25" angle approx 28" long) x 12
(will need stakes for 2nd 40M 4-SQ)
Survey flags x 10

8. 30M/20M ANTENNA BOX (12"H x 11.5"W x 12'4"L)

30M Bottom section x 2
30M Top section x 2
30M Insulated base x 2
20M Bottom section x 2
20M Top section x 2
20M Insulated base x 2
Short ground rod x 4 (the insulated bases slip over these)
8' ground rod x 4
Sand shovel x 1
Broom x 2
Stakes (1.25" x 1.25" angle, approx 28" long) x 11
PVC tube 1.5" x 5' x 1
PVC tube 3/4" x 6' x 1
PVC 3/4" to 1.5" adaptors x 4
PVC glue

The following items are in the Medical Crate (#9)

Tool bag (yes, in medical box)
Gladiator spare parts bag
Nutdriver 9/32" & 3/8"
1/2" wrench x 1
Cresent wrench x 1
Scotch 33+ x 2
Eye bolts (bag of assorted sizes)
Metal brightening pad x 2
Superglue x 1
100' tape measure x 1
16' tape measure x 1
Black permanent marker x 1
Vise grip pliers x 1
Needle nose pliers, curved x 1
Ring forceps x 1
10" Hacksaw x 1
Hacksaw blades x 3
Hose clamps (in bag)
Large x 6
Medium x 6
Small x 6
Punch x 2
Phillips screwdriver x 1
Standard screwdriver x 1
Maglight flashlight x 1
WD-40, small can x 1
PL-259's plus RG-8X adaptors x 6

Gladiator 160M Vertical
Gladiator 80M Vertical
DX Engineering Vertical Phase Box manual
Vertical Antenna information (HyGain)

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Last update: 2 Dec. 1996 Robert W. Schmieder cordell@ccnet.com