Note: This was the first website associated with an amateur radio expedition. Gunthar Hartwig, who was webmaster for this project, can be found at The book about this expedition, DX-Aku: Messages from the Easter Island Expedition, can be obtained from

Easter Island/Salas y Gomez
2-23 September 1995

The 1995 Cordell Expedition to Easter Island and Salas y Gomez is a multipurpose, multidisciplinary project involving natural science, amateur radio, archaeology, and state-of-the-art computer-based communications. A major goal is to implement new techniques for using available high technology to enhance communications from remote sites, to document and monitor natural resources, and to preserve and protect our cultural heritage. Click here for a more detailed SUMMARY

Last Update: 13 September,1995
Next Update: 15 Sept 1995

THE EXPEDITION IS UNDERWAY! All manner of difficulties can't hold back our intrepid explorers. Check the Bulletins section for the latest news.


Hot Topics


Click here for the latest action from the Expedition. Between August 31 and September 20, we will be uploading news flashes, images and videos on a daily basis. All these materials will be produced and sent out via a NASA internet node from our base camp set-up on Easter Island. Catch up with what's going on as it happens (well, almost)!

Expedition Details

  • Scientific Overview
  • Easter Island
  • Salas y Gomez
  • Radio Science.
  • Marine Biology
  • Archaeology
  • Operations
  • Contacting the Expedition

  • Emergency
  • Contacting the expedition
  • Getting the latest news
  • Getting biological specimens
  • Getting QSL cards
  • e-QSL's
  • Am I in the radio log?
  • Ordering Souvenirs
  • How can I help this project?
  • The People

  • Expedition team
  • Anchor stations
  • Support team
  • Advisory Board
  • The Organizations


    Links to related WWW sites

    Hot Topics

    Thor Heyerdahl and the Explorers Club
    In 1947, the legendary Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl carried a flag of the Explorers Club with him on the raft Kon Tiki. In 1955, Heyerdahl again carried the same flag on his archaeological expedition to Easter Island. The flag can be seen in his book Aku-Aku. The 1995 Cordell Expedition to Easter Island will carry the same flag. Heyerdahl has sent a message to the expedition: "It remains only to wish you and you companions all the best of luck in your planned expedition. My best regards to your entire group and not the least our Easter Island friends." Thor Heyerdahl

    Radio Schedule


    Radio Frequencies

    Easter Island XRØY

    Salas y Gómez XRØZ

    6 m: 50.110
    SSTV: 14.230 Robot 72
    HF Satellite (RS-12): Tx: 21.225 Rx: 29.425
    VHF Satellite (AO-10,AO-13): 145/440 B mode

    Beacon XR0Y/B

    14.100Beacon sends callsign CW at 100 W, then a steady tone for 1.5 s at 100, 10, 1, and 0.1 W, then moves to next higher frequency. The cycle repeats once per minute.

    Easter Island Internet Reflector

    A reflector has been established for discussing any aspect of the Easter Island/Salas y Gomez expedition. You can read and post messages to all other subscribers. To subscribe, send an email message "SUBSCRIBE" to

    QSLs by Internet

    For all QSOs with XR0Y and XR0Z, an e-mail QSL will be sent to you automatically within 1 day after the QSO, if your call and internet address appears in the database maintained by Fred Lloyd AA7BQ. To add your name to the database, use or send the following e-mail message "qrz_update yourcallsign youremailmailaddress" to

    Next-day QSLs

    For your first QSO with the expedition, a printed QSL card will be put in the U. S. mail to you within 24 hours after thje QSO, if we can find a valid mailing address for you in the common databases. We recommend you update your records with the FCC.

    Return to Main Menu

    Extended Summary

    Cordell Expeditions, a nonprofit research organization based in Walnut Creek, California, will carry out a multipurpose, multidisciplinary expedition to Easter Islands and Salas y Gomez during September 1995.

    The expedition will involve natural science, amateur radio, archaeology, and state-of-the-art computer and communications technology. Plans include investigation of the emerged, intertidal, and subtidal areas around Easter Island and Salas y Gomez; making representative collections of terrestrial, avian, and marine specimens; implementing a variety of digital and amateur radio communications links; conducting research on radio propagation during low sunspot conditions; and implementing computer network technology for remote field conditions.

    A major goal of the expedition is to bring worldwide attention to the usefulness of using existing advanced technology to document and monitor the natural resources at remote sites such as Salas y Gomez, and to preserve and protect cultural heritage such as the Easter Island archaeological records.

    The expedition will be carried out by two separate teams operating simultaneously. One team will travel to Easter Island and establish a camp and operations center at La Perouse, on the north side of the island. The other team will sail from Chile directly to Salas y Gomez, which lies 225 nm to the east of Easter Island. That team will be helicoptered on the island, and remain there for approximately 6 days, subsequently returning directly to Chile.

    The total crew for both teams is about 30, and includes persons from the US, Mexico, Netherlands, UK, Switzerland, Belgium, and Chile. Onsite arrangements will be facilitated by local groups in Chile and on Easter Island.

    A variety of innovative radio techniques will be implemented for this expedition. It is planned to deploy 4 stations operating 24 hours on Easter Island, using all bands and all communication modes legally allowed. Facilities include operations on 160 meters, 6 m EME (moonbounce), slow-scan TV, and RTTY and other digital modes. An internet connection will enable daily uploading of log data, news, and other information. Scientific data, radio data and logs, and news will be communicated to the central site, from where it will be posted on a WWW server and distributed over Internet, FidoNet, PacketCluster, and other networks to various hubs, nodes, and individuals. Major innovations for amateur radio include a network of anchor stations that serve to distribute information locally, next-day QSL cards, automatic callbook lookup and personal QSL card composition, and automatic email confirmation of contacts. A multiband HF beacon will operate during the entire expedition.

    The expedition will be documented in a book, video, CD-ROM, and audio tape. A variety of souvenirs, including coffee mugs, tee-shirts, and photographs will be available and will help defray the expenses of the expedition.

    The expedition is financed by contributions from participants, industrial partners, scientific, and governmental organizations. Partial support has been provided by the radio, computer, communications, and travel industries. Partial support will be obtained from donations ,and from the sale of souvenirs.

    This expedition will be conducted in full compliance with the laws and policies of the Republic of Chile, and the local rules and customs of Easter Island.

    Cordell Expeditions has 20 years' experience in exploration and documentation of remote sites. The work of the group led to the designation of a U. S. National Marine Sanctuary, the publication of several books, and a continuing series of expeditions to environmentally sensitive sites worldwide.

    For more information, contact one of the following:

    Dr. Robert W. Schmieder
    National Coordinator
    Director, Cordell Expeditions
    4295 Walnut Blvd.
    Walnut Creek, California 94596 USA
    tel: (510) 934-3735 (voice and fax)

    Dr. Carlos George-Nascimento
    International Coordinator
    2061 Magnolia Way
    Walnut Creek, California 94596 USA
    tel: (510) 601-2822 (office)
    tel: (510) 655-8453 (fax)
    tel: (510) 935-2768 (home)

    Return to Expedition Main Menu
    Last Update: 23 August 1995

    Prepared and maintained by Robert Schmieder, and Gunthar Hartwig,