Easter Island/Salas y Gomez 1-22 September 1995
Cordell Expeditions
U.S.: Cordell Expeditions (510) 934-3735Easter Island: Chilean Navy +56-39-223-222
Drop us a line! This page is set up to forward your comments and questions to the expedition. We might even have time to reply!
Click here to send e-mail to: easter@ve7tcp.ampr.org
Our Bulletins page contains the latest and greatest tales of adventure and discovery from the island.
There is also an internet reflector for Easter-Island. You can read and enter email messages regarding any aspect of Easter Island, Salas y Gomez, or these expeditions. To subscribe, send an email message "SUBSCRIBE" to Easter-Island@the-courtyard.com.
If you are interested in obtaining biological specimens from Easter Island or Salas y Gomez, please leave an e-mail message at cordell@ccnet.com. The subject of the message should read SPECIMEN REQUEST.
QSL Manager: Mary Ann Crider WA3HUP
Please, an SASE at least. If you can include a contribution or an order for a souvenir, even better.
For your first contact with XR0Y or XR0Z, you will be sent a valid QSL card in the U. S. mail the next day after the QSO, if your address is available in a readily available database such as HamCall.
All QSOs beyond the first will be handled by the QSL manager.
For all QSOs with XR0Y and XR0Z, an e-mail QSL will be sent to you automatically within 1 day after the QSO, if your call and internet address appears in the database maintained by Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ, at flloyd@qrz.com. To add yourself to the database, use http://www.qrz.com/ or send the following e-mail message "qrz_update yourcallsign youremailmailaddress" to update@qrz.com.
The expedition maintains a computer log of all radio contacts established from Easter Island and Salas y Gomez. This data will be used to generate QSL cards that will be sent out via U.S. Mail. We have also installed a search function so that you may determine if your contact has been registered and that you are on the mailing list.
One method of fundraising for the EI/SyG expedition is through the sale of souvenirs. Each of these souvenirs is high quality and guaranteed to please.
Mug text reads: Easter Island on one side, Salas y Gomez on the other with dates, callsigns, and Cordell Expeditions logo.
Available now:
Available Oct. 1, 1995:
Available early 1996:
To order these items, or get more information, please send e-mail to mailto:cordell@ccnet.com Please include "Souvenir Request" in the subject line. In the body please include your name, address, and phone number. You will recieve return e-mail or snail mail regarding ordering and payment (Due to security issues, we will not be taking credit card orders via the Internet)..
Contributions are welcome, although we prefer that you buy a souvenir.
This project was designed to develop technology and techniques. If you would like to take up where it leaves off, possibly applying your knowledge to develop new techniques, please contact anyone in the expedition. For a list of people, click HERE.