
- The Heard reflector will be the main forum in which you, our audience, can participate in our expedition. Through the reflector, you will be able to pass us your feedback. It will be the focal point for all updates and feedback coming from the expedition team on the island. And... our pilot stations will broadcast general info on the island, the environment, our setup, the team, the challenges we are encountering, and other information of interest.
- In addition, the reflector will cater to free flow discussions between yourselves and the expedition's pilots. Tips, recommendations, questions and answers, anything related to the Heard expedition are proper topics for the Heard reflector!
- Due to the limited time and bandwidth available, the expedition members on the island will not be on the reflector. All information to and from the island will be channeled through the pilot stations. It will be the ONLY reflector on which our pilot stations will be engaged in discussions concerning the operation.
- We cordially invite you to join the expedition reflector today. Here's how to do it:
How to subscribe:
- You subscribe to the reflector in 2 steps:
- 1. Send an e-mail to:
- heard-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org
- Put in the body (nothing else):
- subscribe
- 2. You will get an automatic reply asking for a confirmation. You must then send a second e-mail to:
- listserv@ve7tcp.ampr.org
- Put in the body the exact key sentence you found in the reply. The line will look like:
- auth cefd73bb subscribe heard your_name <your email address>
- You can copy and paste the line into your message.
- 3. You will receive a confirmation that you are subscribed, and instructions to unsubscribe. You should save those instructions.
- Once you are properly subscribed, you can send and receive messages to all other subscribers. There will undoubtedly be a lot of discussion, and you are cordially invited to chime in as often as you like. The team will get feedback from the reflector, but please don't address a message to a specific team member expecting a direct reply during the expedition. After it's all over, the team will have a chance to respond as appropriate.
- We hope to see you all on the Heard reflector very soon! Thank you for helping to make this an enjoyable experience, and for your participation in the Heard Island Reflector.
Return to the Heard Island Home Page
The reflector was set up and is maintained by Lyndon, VE7TCP . Gracious, Lyndon, for this nice service!
Last update: 23 Dec. 1996 Robert W. Schmieder schmieder@cordell.org