The 1997 Cordell Expedition to
- Territory of Australia, South Indian Ocean Jan.-Feb., 1997

- DXpedition of the Year - Southwest Ohio DX Association, Dayton, May 16, 1997
The expedition is over, and it was, by all accounts, a great success. We logged 80,673 QSOs in 13 days of operating. You can read the news and see the pictures from the expedition by clicking on the NEWS button below. The KK6EK book and ON6TT video are available now. There are also T-shirts and mugs. All these items help pay the enormous costs of the DXpedition.
To find something in this site, you might want to consult the Index.
The information below this line was prepared before the team left for the expedition. It provides complete details on the background and planning for the project. You might look at Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
A multi-disciplinary, multi-national Expedition to Heard Island, in the South Indian Ocean, was fielded during January 1997 for the purpose of making contacts with amateur radio operators worldwide. The Expedition was carried out by a team of 20 during a five-week period in Jan.- Feb. 1997. The team departed Reunion Island aboard the French vessel Marion Dufresne on Jan. 7, and returned on Feb. 6. Eighteen days were spent on Heard Island, with a brief visit Kerguelen Island afterward.

These links provide the essential information about the expedition.
Five major documents provide detailed descriptions of all aspects of the project. Each document contains many links and images. From the front page of each document you can link to any other document, or you can return here.
We would be pleased if you would include a link to this page on your own Web pages. To make the link more interesting, you can copy one of our logos and use it in your pages, and you can make the logos into links. We prefer that you use the following logos:

Here are a few buttons that take you directly to some of these essential topics.

This list includes all the subjects available in all documents.
- Am I in the Log? #1
- Am I in the Log? #2
- Animated simulated campsite
- Antennas
- Background of the Expedition
- Bibliography
- Book
- Campsite-animated simulation
- Campsite-elevation drawing
- Campsite-complete plan
- Cleanliness
- Coax
- Computers, networks, and logs
- COM site radio facilities
- Contributions
- Cordell Expeditions
- Crozet Island
- Donations
- Emergency
- Equipment
- Expedition team
- Finances
- Flags
- Floorplan
- Food
- Funkamateur
- Galley
- Goals and objectives
- Links to other Heard Island sites
- Living facilities
- Heard Island
- Kerguelen Island
- Main use area
- Management of the project
- Medical
- Mugs
- News
- Operations
- OP Sites radio facilities
- Overview
- Personnel
- Pilots
- Policies
- Power
- QSL Manager
- Radiation pattern
- Radio operations
- Reflector
- Reunion Island
- Schedule
- Science
- Shelters
- Sponsors
- Souvenirs
- Stamps
- Team
- Tee shirts
- Track of the vessel
- Video
The team consists of the following radio amateurs:
- EA8AFJ Michel Sabatino
- HB9AFI Kurt Wetter
- HB9AHL Willy Rusch
- HB9BHW Hans Burki
- KØIR Ralph Fedor
- K3VN (WA3YVN) Al Hernandez
- K4UEE Bob Allphin
- K9AJ Mike McGirr
- KK6EK Bob Schmieder
- N6EK Bob Fabry
- N6MZ Michael Mraz
- OE9AMJ Arno Metzler
- ON5NT Ghis Penny
- ON6TT Peter Casier
- PA3DUU Arie Nugteren
- RA3AUU Igor ("Harry") Booklan
- VK2JDM (VK2TQM) David Muller
- W3WL (W8FMG) Wes Lamboley
- WØGJ (WAØPUJ) Glenn Johnson
- 9V1YC James Brooks
Your contributions for the 1996-96 Heard Island Expedition are welcome and needed. Full credit will be given for all contributions. You can direct them to any of the following:
- Heard Island DXpedition
- c/o Bob Allphin, K4UEE
- 4235 Blackland Dr.
- Marietta, GA 30067 USA
- mallphin@aol.com
- Heard Island DXpedition
- c/o Peter Casier, ON6TT
- Oude Heerbaan 30B-9230
- Wetteren, Belgium
- pcasier@innet.be
- Northern California DX Foundation
- c/o Bruce Butler, W6OSP
- P.O. Box 2368
- Stanford, CA 94309
- Cordell Expeditions
- c/o Bob Schmieder, KK6EK
- 4295 Walnut Blvd
- Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Sponsors are listed on the Web page according to the following general categories:
- Corporations, Foundations, and Saints (more than $20,000)
- Patrons ($10000-19999)
- Benefactors ($5000-9999)
- Big Benders ($1000-4999)
- Elephant Seal Society ($500-999)
- Heard Island Cormorant Club ($100-499)
- Penguin Partners ($25-99)
- The Tardigrade Trust (less than $25)
- Donations to the Northern California DX Foundation and to Cordell Expeditions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law for 501(c)(3) organizations. The should be specifically designated for the Heard Island DXpedition.
- Special support person are listed on the sponsors page.
This expedition is being carried out under the auspices of...

For further information, please contact the Project Directors...
Robert W. Schmieder, PhD, KK6EK
Cordell Expeditions
4295 Walnut Blvd.
Walnut Creek, California 94596 USA
Tel: (510) 934-3735 (voice and fax)
e-mail: schmieder@cordell.org
Peter E. O. C. Casier, ON6TT
Oude Heerbaan 30 B-9230
Wetteren Belgium
e-mail: pcasier@innet.be
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These documents are posted on the World Wide Web (WWW) at http://www.cordell.org/HI
All or portions of these documents may be freely copied, but please quote the source.
Last update: 29 May 2002 Robert W. Schmieder schmieder@cordell.org
Last update: 21 May 1997 Robert W. Schmieder schmieder@cordell.org