by KK6EK

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Below are listed almost all of the answers to Question 6 received by this author. The responses are provided here in their entireity--all responses are included, and the responses have not been edited (except for consistency and English, when necessary, and to eliminate some purely personal comments).

How do you feel about real-time information for DXpeditions?

Does having a website that presents log information, live streaming video, interactivity with the onsite team, etc. reduce the "mystery" and "magic" of DXing?

Do you see any problems with ethics, mechanics, or quality of DXing due to the use of the internet?

Are there any features, services, activities, etc. that you would like to see that internet technology can provide?

It's very good have informations on real time in what concerns to bands and modes of operation and also stations worked in near real time. Well if you work a DXpedition on the one band you can work other band or mode in next minute if you're lock. [CT1FUH]

Been on the air for over 30 years and "worked 'em all" and used to use paper logs. We sure have come a long way over the years.  Tnx for the great job.  Please send me a copy of the certificate where my good friend Rusty Epps W6OAT has his callsign; I would very much appreciate it. [KA2BZS]

I think real-time information supporting DXpeditions is a terrific feature, as long as it retains a SUPPORT role, and does not take unnecessary resources (time, effort, focus, money) from the core activity.

At the end of the day, for me, a first class support function is of dubious value or significance, if you cannot make the QSO. Hi.

All in all Robert, a terrific idea, that worked for me despite the early teething problems, and I look forward to seeing it in action again in the near future. [VK3FM]

I think what you have done is fabulous. [W2NDP]

I think this is a great idea for a DXpedition. [N6VH]

Real time information is just great and I take full advantage of it. I don't see any problems with ethics or quality of Dxing due to the use of internet. I would like to see, after the operation is over, some info on the QSL, i.e., RECEIVED and SENT. [CT1CSN]

I think this helped to reduce dupes and I was always able to find  [KKØDX]

I believe that a new form of DXing is introduced. I personally have no problems with getting real-time information. It is just a part of evolution and automation. Off course, the hard core DXer will get more competition from the DX-rookie or the occasional DX-er because this kind of information is very easy to get and to process. On the other hand, I think pile-ups are better controlled because there is no need for insurance QSO’s and more stations will have the chance to work the DX. There will always be persons who want to abuse the system or try to jam DX station or whatever, always been, always will be. I personally have the impression that pile-ups are better stabilized after a few days of expedition, and the use of this kind of tools is certainly a step ahead to this.

I have an ICT company being specialised in network and internet connectivity and security. If I can be of any help or if you need server space or hosting for application or webspace. I have some machines in a datacenter. If possible, I will be glad to help if it can be of use for you. [ON5AI]

Hopefully, real-time information can reduce dupes, thereby giving others better opportunity to work the DX. [LANCE]

Sorry, but it did not give me anything I needed. "Log check" in real time is good if you get a "jammer" on frequency during the QSO. Otherwise you should know if a QSO was made or not without having to "check". I'm 65 years old and prefer DX'ing the way it was before packet-cluster, Internet etc. I'm on Top DXCC Honor Roll Mixed, Phone and but on CW I still need P5, North Korea. DXCC all bands 160 - 10 meters, DXCC Challenge actual total more than 2500. Licensed in 1962 and been working DX almost every day since! [SM5DQC]

Some may say that it is "cheating" to use such real time information. I don't feel that way. Makes life easier for both the DX station and the "hound," HI. I can not make any definitive comments on the features,etc because I don't know enough about programming,etc. I have been a ham since 1962 with quite a bit of military communication experience. [KØCOP]

You mean "philosophically"? Heck no!  This is 2006... and we don't use regen receivers much anymore. Technology is all around us, rejoice in it!! DXA is the smartest, sharpest, most useful tool I've used for working a DXpedition yet. It added to the fun, and didn't take anything at all away from the challenge or the "magic" or the "mystery". After all, we still had to "work 'em", right?  What I couldn't fathom was the guys who were actually complaining about how long it took to get their "greenie"... unbelieveable.

DXA is a WINNER. Don't be put off by the nay-sayers, old farts, whiners, complainers, and those with their feet firmly planted in the technology and attitudes of the 1940's. DXA is fantastic. I'm 62 years old and I've been licensed since 1959....I love DXing and Contesting....and DXA is the best new thing I've seen and used in years.  

I just re-read what I wrote above. Sounds like I'm trying to sell DXA, not critique it. But frankly I don't recall or see now any downside factors at all. It was all positive, all very intuitive, easy to use. I just can't think of a single negative reaction.

FINAL COMMENT: My very favorite thing was the map with the different colored circles showing areas to which there were various degrees of propagation.  That graphic interface was extremely intuitive and very useful. I'd absolutely LOVE to see a freestanding program that I could set for prop displays from "my QTH" and other QTHs,  something I can run alongside my DXing & Logging program (Dave AA6YQ's DXLab Suite) I have a prop prediction program, but the graphical interface is pretty obscure. I would actually pay real money for one that displays like DXA's.)  Are there any plans for putting out software like that??? PLEASE???

73 and a BIG THANK YOU for DXA....   [K3BZ]

Jerry Keller K3BZ

The first one I recall was a 9 Land group who went to YJ some years ago and had a streaming log; I needed them on 80, and they screwed up my call .... went back and worked them again, and correct call data scrolled by my face .... so in that instance it did more than calm me down, it saved me a NIL.  If anything, real time data should reduce panic and give assurance that are in the log ... not sure it does, as answering this during last few days of 3Y0X DXpedition .... but I like knowing I am in the log and no worries ... not have to be real time, but is helpful for assurance even when logs loaded up within 24 hours or so of working the DX.... what I find more helpful is knowing what the team is facing and how I can respond to their needs/issues .. makes me feel like a part of project.  I have DXed and contested from Caribe a number of times, and know of issues with equipment, antenna failures or wind or whatever, tho never bn to Antarctic wx places - so I especially appreciate knowing what is going on .

In summary, I liked DXA and hope you continue to experiment with it.

Oh, and where do you go next?   :-) [N7MQ]

It is a great idea that deserves ample development! Like anything new, even the things you pay for a lot of money, it has some problems, but all in all I've found it to be a terrific tool for anybody trying to make it in the log of K7C... [IW7ECJ]

My first QSO never showed up, and this may well be due to a mistake on MY side, and this drove me to try and obtain a second contact with the expedition... This time my callsign appeared in DXA and this gave me a great satisfaction, and the sureness of having made it, no matter what could happen next! :-) Only in one band, but for a "Small Gun" like me it's enough!

Bob, you are a passionate HAM and, for sure, enjoy fighting with (..or against...) computers with great pleasure, so I have no doubt about your feelings regarding this question... Well, it is my exact position!

DXA, and the Internet, are great tools for the modern DXer, and used savvily, they don't subtract from the enjoyment we fid in DX...

I see no ethical problem with this... It's the people that has to do the right use of ANY tool tha becomes available on this Earth... Remember the Nuclear Reaction? There is no doubt tha the evil is in the people, NOT in the tool!

Please Bob, keep up the DXA development... We want such a tool for all expeditions! Thanks again, Bob, and keep up the good work! [IW7ECJ]

Real time information is very useful on both sides, Reduce the need for a dupe QSO. Just a wild though for window dressing. If you had a lot of time you could: a. Look up call in QRZ.Com and get E-Mail address; b. Send E-Mail as well as the green dots on main display. [NIØF]

I can certainly see where that question would come up but I'm NOT one of the people that hates the intrusion of the internet into ham radio.  I am an I.T. person and I love the synergy of ham radio / internet.  I think that rather than reducing the "mystery and magic",  internet tools like on-line logs and web site info and now DXA only help to bring the DXer closer to the DXpedition. 

        Bob, I have always considered you a DXpedition innovator and DXA is a perfect example. 
It brings so much timely info to the DXer:
        1. - who has propagation to the DXpedition
        2. - what areas is the DXpedition working
        3. - what bands is the DXpedition on right now (no more pirates!!)
        4 - am I in the log!

It also makes the DXpedition so much more efficient.  The current 3YØX is a perfect example.  Fully half of my Qs are insurance Qs because they were two days behind in uploading the logs.  I HATE insurance Qs.  I'm a little pistol DXer and I know how hard it is to get into the log sometimes.  I hate the idea that my insurance Q may cost someone else the one Q they need to get into the log. 

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but just thought I'd add my two cents worth!!  Thanks for the opportunity!! [KK6T]

The concept of getting "instant" confirmation about your contact is excellent! It's one thing for a big gun to work the expedition, but then that station almost is certain they are in the log.  However, for the little pistol,  it's great to really know you worked the station. The hard part is when you "know" you worked the station, but your "greenie" doesn't show up. It was frustrating for me because K7C then announced they only wanted first time QSO's, so I didn't go back for an insurance contact.  However, my worry was cast aside when NOW I see everything in green. I don't think DXA hurt the magic of DX at all.  In fact, it gives us a chance to keep tabs on what you are doing without having to rely on rumors. DXA worked great for K7C, and the similar effort is working just great for 3Y0X. As far as ethics goes, DXA is just another form of the old 2 meter DX net that DX clubs have used for years; 2 meters, Packetcluster, DXA ... All great stuff! [K6GFJ]

I feel that a real-time website adds immensely to the "magic" and enhances the quality of the DX experience - bring on MORE! [K6WE]

Good question.  I have been checking the Peter I website often this week, looking at the pictures and videos and reading their updates.  I have enjoyed it immensely!  I got a chance to experience a bit of what the team went through.  Instead of having to wait 6 months or a year to see a presentation or buy the DVD we get to see it as it happens, almost.  That is a very nice feature.

Having on-line confirmation that you are in the log, even if delayed a bit, does help to reduce the dupes and give all a better chance so I see that as another good thing.  Making on-line logs too detailed might lead to made-up QSO's, so keeping it basic should be the answer.  I'm not so sure the jammers and poor ops are getting anything out of this sort of thing, anyways. [WS1L]

The K7C web site and the 3YØX web site are great tools by extending the adventure of the expedition into our ham shacks and make us recognize that our monetary contributions are providing a useful activity for the hobby. These sites are also useful in letting others know what it is all about and provides youngsters with and internet ham radio connection. The contacts are an individual thing, but the story of the expedition can be very interesting to others, including my wife. Thanks... [AD6ST]

First off, you don't have that lousy feeling of did he get my call OK?  I contest a lot and many times I think the DX busted my call but he has gone on to the next guy in the pile and I can just hope for the best.  Then when the log reports comes out you see a deduction for NIL or busted.  With DXA you know you are in the Log. It will save you guys from having dupes if we know we are OK in the log and don't need an insurance QSO.  Also like the latest news so you know what is planned and when to expect the oper to shut down. The 3Y0X group has posted some nice photos and videos of their conditions on Peter 1.  Please don't take this the wrong way but I think they have done a better job with pics of their setup than you guys.  But I would rather have Q's in my log than nice pictures.

Right now I have the 3Y0X on 12 bands/modes.  It would be a big help if they had DXA so you could know for sure you get in the log.  You know how it goes, the DX is right at the noise level, he is working split, he comes back to you and then a 5-9 plus 10 db signal covers up the DX when he is giving you the sig report.  So do you need an insurance Q?  How sure are you that you are in the log for this once in a lifetime contact on a new band/mode?  Nice to have DXA tell you not to worry [K7ACZ]

Real time information is just great and I take full advantage of it. I don't see any problems with ethics or quality of Dxing due to the use of internet. I would like to see, after the operation is over, some info on the QSL, i.e., RECEIVED and SENT. [CT1CSN]

I am all for technology. Real time logging should help reduce the people making "insurance" contacts. Peter One's website has some nice features, daily news, pictures and videos. I think it would be more of a challenge without the internet. You have to tune around a lot more to find the dx. I use the clusters but I also tune anyway hoping to find someone before he is spotted and the pileup begins. The internet is here, you can't turn back time so lets make the most of it. You still have to beat propagation and make the contact. I am not for dx nets however, I think there are too many "helped" contacts there. [W6OP]

We live in an age were technology is moving very fast , and I believe that DXA is another string to the bow giving 'dxpeditions a chance to reduce dupes and therefore giving more stations a chance to work the experdition and allowing the smaller stations a shot at getting in the log. Plus there is also the thrill of seeing your call appear on the screen and being witnessed by your friends.

Thank you for the opportunity to view and participate in DXA and  I our input helps you,and  I wish you every success with it . Thankyou from myself and harmonics, GØDBE, M3JII and M3JIH.  Lee , Amy and Dan... [GØDBE]


I think the real-time info is a great boon to DXing.  It's almost as good as the QSL card in the mail, even if everything is already in the LOTW!!  I believe that DXing is likely to be the part of amateur radio which keeps young people coming in...if we get off our dead a**es and give them the opportunity to see that hams are technically competent on the whole, and in some cases (DXA being a VERY EXCELLENT example), WAY ahead of most of the world.

I'm 57, and if I'm lucky, I'll be DXing for another 20-25 years, tops.  None of my four kids has even the slightest interest in DXing or amateur radio.  Drives me NUTS!!! But my #3 son, a junior in dental school, saw the DXA and agreed that it was "really cool!!"  Maybe I'll convince him, but if it's not high tech, many young folks simply aren't interested.  Digital modes are important and "waving the flag" as we said in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club, is important both for countries and for hobbies which are dominated by folks my age and older, IF we're going to keep the bands and the fun and camaraderie of amateur radio for very long.

(further)  Regarding the ethics, etc. of real-time logs, QSLing electronically, etc.:  Progress is here, whether we like it or not (I do, personally), and neither you nor I will be able to stop it. We can, however, embrace the progress and acclimatize ourselves to the new challenges it brings (nah, that's NOT a gripe about CW --- I have a microphone, but I have to read the instructions every time I use it, 'cuz it doesn't get much use at all!!)  All of us need to see how our technical progress can HELP the hobby be more fun and DXA is, quite honestly, the best example I have seen of that since the inception of the PacketCluster software in the 1980's.  I was part owner of a cluster node for many years until the internet came along and made the RF side look pretty weak.  Now I use the internet for DX spots --- every single day.  The main difference is that it is (1) cheaper, (2) more reliable, and (3) I never again will have to drive from Virginia Beach all the way to Williamsburg -- about 70 miles --- to change a #%@#%^ fuse in a radio or TNC after one of our nearly daily summer thunderstorms.

(even further) (by the way, this will teach you to ask old farts an open-ended question!!):  DXing has always been a challenge.  In the early days, working 100 countries was an almost impossible task.  Today folks can work 100 countries with a modest station in a couple of good contest weekends, but it's still FUN!!!!!!!!!

Anything which is extremely difficult tends to attract the highly competitive and repel the average guy who's trying to feed his kids, have a decent house for them to live in, and parenting them in a positive way.  With modern equipment, it IS easier to work the first couple of hundred countries -- no doubt about it -- but it's still a struggle to work 'em all.  The last time Scarborough was on (the only one I need -- like so many others) my *&(**^ fold-over tower broke and my antenna pointed directly at the ground, and 20 meters doesn't have enough "ground" wave to get there!!  The challenges are NOT always equipment.

You guys did a great job.  I appreciated it and so did every other ham that I've talked to about it.  I'm sure there are some nay-sayers out there -- always some of those guys around.  I think the Old Timer called them "locals."  Keep it up and don't worry about them.  Embrace the technology and the search for the "new ones."   It ain't broke, guys, so while there's no reason to fix it, you may find a way (or two) to make it better.  But considering how good it was the first time out, you're gonna have a pretty rough time making very much better.

Thanks for the opportunity to fill your "inbox" with the ramblings of an old guy who really likes to DX and doesn't want to see DXing (or any other part of amateur radio) from falling by the wayside as the old guys fall by the wayside, which for us individually is of course, inevitable.   I heard that the "Old Timer" is running a KW into 10-element, 20-band Stepp-IR now, and waiting for the rest of us to prove that we are the "deserving." [K1KO]

I would like to see all DXpeditions use timely on-line logs.  Once I see my band/mode listed, I know I no longer need to keep trying to work them on that band/mode.  Otherwise, I (and thousands of others) would continue adding to the QRM as I try to make at least one additional "insurance" contact. Pictures, videos and textual updates help make the event more personal and not just another faceless source of RF. [K7VC]

I feel that online log information and live streaming is a natural progression in our world of technology. I am all in favour of that. It keep the pile ups to a managable level as people stop trying for security contacts. We need to be at the forefront of these advances to show the world the great importance of our hobby in the world today. I fear that a failure to do this could lead to our hobby loosing many of or frequency allocations. [M3SDE]

Real-time information and website very interesting indeed. I personally do not see any problem due to the use of Internet. [ON5JV]

I prefer the DXA real time DXing to the on line log. As explained above it gives us smaller limited stations the chance to work them. And having the website with the video's and possible photo's uploaded gives the added exitement of seeing the conditions that the teams are in. I have enjoyed the 3YØX more knowing what the layout is and what the weather conditions have been doing, just seeing the guys in that inhospitable place makes me wonder why they do it. The only downside to the internet is it has taken the skill of listening away from working DX. I have a cluster running on one of my PC's all the time and use it to see where the DX is coming from, and then I will have a tune around the bands to listen and see what is on and not been spotted.

As for the future maybe the internet will be used too much. It is nice to see the photo's and videos as I say, but too much info takes away the fun of listening for the DX and expeditions. What would be nice is to hear the QSO from the DX end, maybe not the one you made personnally, but the actual pileup and what you hear on these remote Islands. I hear Europe from my location easily and I some times wonder how you guys pull out a call from the cocophony of signals. Maybe then the stations calling might learn what to do and how to operate corectly - maybe not I think I am asking too much for the Euro Zoo to change habits!

Many thanks for giving me this oportunity to voice my opinions and I would like to volunteer my services to you in developing DXA2 in any way, in discussion group or beta testing as i am not a programmer.

Again many thanks [G1VDP]

Real time log on the internet is nice and makes everyone sure they didn't work a pirate, all the rest (watching live videos, chatting with the crew members, and so on) is fancy but the most important thing is still how the dxpeditioners work the pileup:

  - if they pay attention to the short openings to the most difficult areas of the planet,

  - if they stay on one or two bands 24/7 until everyone has had the chance of a single qso rather than allowing easy early 9-banders

  - if they rotate shifts so that the slowest, most unexperienced operators are not always on working the very same continents

  This is what makes a dxpedition a GREAT dxpedition. [IK4WMH]

Anyone who has been DXing very long knows that because of spotting networks, computers and other technological advances it will never be like it was  fifteen years ago. Is it better or worse? Who knows, but it is not going away so I feel that the more it is enhanced the better.  Real time logging hopefully is here and should be embraced by all. Anything else that can be done to enhance the enjoyment of amateurs world wide and the DXpeditioners themselves via computer technology should be persued. [K5BG]

It's great; instant cfm of qso.  [NNØTT]

I was dubious of the internet's ability to add to the DX experience.  The 3YØX ws posting pictures and even videos during the operation.  This made my family able to share in the interesting experience of the Dxpedition.  The frequent posting of log info alao means the operator can rest knowing he's "in-the-log"  and go on to get another mode or band.  My XYL said it made me a lot easier to live with!

I really think that this extra info shared with the community can add to the somewhat marginal usefulness of an expedition.  The expeditions are useful to me (an inveterate DXer for 40 yrs) but I think that some of the instant gratification and education obtained with pictures from the far away place can make this old fogey's hobby more relevant perhaps to the younger group.   

I have shared the K7C and 3YØX pictures with the neighbor kids and my older kids and they do seem more understanding of what I am doing as a ham.  I think that this doesn't reduce the magic but enhances it.  I didn't think so before K7C but with Kure and now 3YØX I really think that this adds a new dimension.

Some people in our hobby feel that the new stuff like EchoLink is bad for our hobby.  I would view most of this stuff as I experience it as adding a different dimension to the hobby.

I think that these expeditions that can coordinate the "silly radio stuff" with some assistance to science or conservation is extremely good.  Some of the agencies like the people blocking Navassa and Desecheo just need educated that the hams can operate responsibly from these places.  These places have been tread by man for years and with careful conservation can be used in the future.  It doesn't do much good for a conservation area that only the scientists can tread in.  The public has to know and understand that this area is being conserved and why.  We can use radio expeditions to do this as K7C and the recent K6VVA/6 from the Farallon Isl off of CA. [KE3D]

I thought it was a wonderful enhancement to the process. I always live in fear something will go wrong and I won't get the card. I thought I worked the last Kure operation only to find out months later I was 'not in the log'. [K8IW]

  It does have merit. It could reduce the number of repeat contacts.  I do believe that it would allow more contacts especially on CW as it is a dying mode.  Rag chewing on the band on CW has diminished greatly over the years but the spotting network has allowed a lot of guys (notice I didn't use DXer's ) especially on CW to join in the pile ups. 

The down side is that a lot of guys calling today can recognize their calls but can't copy CW. If it were not for the DX station being called out on the clusters they would never know who the station was.  I am a DX QSL mgr and I receive a lot of cards with the comment "I hope I am in the log" or "I hope this is a good contact".   I have had no more than a half dozen request myself that was returned to me stating that I was not in the log over the 46 years of DXing; but then I had to really learn the code to get my extra class when Incentive Licensing came about in the late 60’s.  Even those few events I knew the operator busted the call but with the pile I was never able to get his attention to correct and thought that if I sent an explanation he might make an exception.  Even then I never said I hope I am in the log.

I do believe that the information provided by the internet during a DXpedition does take some of the thrill and suspense out of Dxing, but today's world is impatient. Everything must be instant.  I also believe the spotting clusters do nothing to develop operators.  No one ever tunes the bands anymore they just wait for their logging program to call out a new one and then they click on it which puts their rig on top of the DX station and they tune up on him.  That is where all the carriers are coming from on the DX stations.  By not spending time searching the bands one does not learn propagation patterns around the world or even develop the times they can work different parts of the world. A lot has been lost due to the technological advancements. 

These developments are great but in my opinion it somewhat lessens the prestige of the DX program in general.  For instance one can easily work 100 counties in a given weekend. In contest a lot of guys just monitor the clusters and work every new multiplier that is spotted.  They do not find a one on their own. 

If you could figure out some way to block it’s distribution on the internet to specific areas of the world during a DXpedition when you need to work certain other areas, that may be worth while.  During the recent 3YØX operations, on the low bands the op would ask USA to QRX and then QRZ  EU.  This was on CW. Do you think that happen. Certainly not and I believe it was because most calling could not copy code and really did not know what the operator had asked. On SSB a lot of guys call and then later check the DXpedition web site to see if they are in the log. Some have admitted that they really could not copy the station they were calling; they just knew he was there because they saw him spotted. That may contribute to the needless and endless calling without ever letting up.  Of course some of it relates to social behavior. 

All in all I appreciated the web page and the DXA feature and would endorse the use on future DXpeditions. In regards to contest I would have to know how it would be utilized and features it offered before I could pass comment on it

Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts in the matter.  [WA4FFW]

I think it's a great program, special with working a new country. It gaves me the info that i needed, and as soon my call was on the screen it gives me a good feeling that I worked them. Fantastic is the only thing i can say.

Added you can see my call on the screen about 2 minutes after I worked them. Hopefully you received my direct card, and hope to have the K7C card soon in my DXCC collection. [PA1K]

I do like those real-time infos via the internet very much! For me it does not reduce the "mystery" of the Dxing, but it helps a lot, to (try to) explain this "mystery" to non-hams. For instance my 12-yrs aged daughter became very fascinated about what her daddy was doing there thru watching all the additional details on the web (same this week on the 3YØX event!) Online log, additional infos like photos an video is fine, no more needed this end!


Well done! Great job! I have listened to your presentation on Ham Radio meeting in Friedrichshafen Ham Radio fair last summer. From that hour, I was awaiting yout DXpedition! I took a few days off work to make it. It has been a lot of fun! Thanks! [DF2PI]

I think it is great.  Makes one feel like being part of the group ! Absolutely does nto reduce the mystery!  Just adds to the intrigue and fascination of what is happening. Not really any problems with ethics, mechanics, or quality of DXing. Like any other 'tool', the Internet must be used in an appropriate fashion. [VA3DN]

I don't think it reduces the magic. In fact, I felt like it was much more interesting to see what was going on. It is kind of funny that we're using a rather old technology (radio) to make a contact, and then using new technology (internet) to see immediate results. This was the funnest dxpedition I've worked! [N7TM]

Can´t see any problems with ethics etc. The opposite will be the case: there is no need for insurance contacts for the "big guns" (see 3Y0X log) and the "little pistols" will get their chance. In my opinion, DXA is the most valuable tool for the serious DXer that I know. [DK8MZ]

Having real-time information on line about the DXpedition just adds more interest to the operation and goes a step further than a 5/9 contact without slowing down the DXpedition qso rate.  Live streaming video sounds like fun with the chance to experience "life" at the dx site.  It might also cut down on the length of some of the slide shows/power point shows at Visalia (sorry), hi. [K4TY]

I feel that a real-time website adds immensely to the "magic" and enhances the quality of the DX experience - bring on MORE! I real like the whole time even after i made my contact I would just watch the website and listen the radio. [W6JON]

I had a difficult time getting a QSO - thus the mystery and magic were still there for me. It was great to get Cfm of my QSO. Mni tks for your considerable efforts - they are much appreciated. [VE3GQR]

I really like it, it answers the "am I in the log?" question for marginal QSOs under poor band conditions.

I think it may reduce the "mystery" and "magic" of DXing. Sometimes though it can reduce the quality of the operators that are chasing rare DX. I have notice that certain stations will call without listening until they saw that they were in the log. On the other hand, when 3Y0X was operating, I readily saw (because I also heard) them log me as WA5PQK and not "POK" during a massive 40 meter pileup. I should have turned on the amp. I got a refreshment and sat back down in the pileup to try again. 3Y0X was different because I didn't confirm until the next day that they did indeed have my call incorrect.

As I mentioned above, there are a larger growing number of stations that do not listen (or maybe cannot recognize due to poor code skills) for anything EXCEPT their own call. Perhaps a fundamental deterioration of society ... but for many of us, we get into the pile up, skillfully and quickly make our Q and get out. For the unskilled operators (and there are getting too many) I hope this will also help them to try to make the Q and get out of the pileup.

Bob, ya'll put on a great DXpedition as usual. All my Qs were made with 200 watts except for 160, I did turn on the amp. I only wished I could have worked you on 10 for a sweep of the bands but the propagation wasn't there (I used your very useful info about this, but I still listened and hoped) this time around ... that will give me something to chase in my old age ; ) Many thanks and Best 73! - WA5POK

Not sure if I need real time spotting but many of the dx expeditions fall down on the on-line logs, like 3XØZ -- a fantastic dx expedition for everything except on-line logs. Need less than 24 hour update ideally would be 12-15 hours. Keeps the dupes to a minimum. . [WB1S]

DXA is the best DXpedition innovation I've seen so far, and if it would be fully operational without glitches (leaving the endless list of DXcluster-naggers speechless), it is one sexy babe !! Tnx Bob ! [ON4WW]

I have absolutely no problems using computer and/or internet tools for working DX.  I still have to make the contact despite QRN, QRM, propagation, etc., etc.  I love to use any tools available to me. [K7LY]

If you believe that a primary goal of a DXpedition is to try to provide as many valid QSOs in a given time period, then real-time DXing is a valuable tool. I see no ethical conflict, nor does it reduce the mystery/magic of DXing. In fact, having real-time information is motivating, educational, and certainly contributes to the overall enjoyment of DX hunting. I followed the recent 3YØX Peter Island group with interest, and found their use of real-time uploading of images and video to be very exciting because it brought me right onto the island with them. I'll never see Peter Island personally, but seeing it through the Peter Island team's eyes was the next best thing. However, I did miss the DXA system that was used so successfully on Kure. Yes, leveraging technology (internet especially) to optimize interactivity with the onsite team, is right on, in my opinion. How about adding Skype capability for scheduled internet-based conference calls with the onsite team?

Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback.....and for a really great DXpedition experience to Kure for everyone. [K6MM]

This is an interesting concept and, to some degree, does reduce the "mystery" of DXing. Unfortunately, high speed internet service is not available to all, so it may give those who do have it an advantage over the others. Perhaps this is not a bad thing as it may reduce QRM, frustration, etc. This remains to be seen. [K6MM]

I loved having real-time feedback for a specific DXpedition.  In general I am concerned that internet spotting has significantly reduced the level of casual CQing and listening on the HF bands that prevailed in the days before spotting.  But once an ATNO is on the air, I want all the data I can glean from whatever source! [N6SJ]

You have created a wonderful tool, Bob.  I hope to see lots more of DXA. [N6SJ]

With DXA there still was not a real interactivity with the onsite team, e.g. it was not possible to ask to listen on a specific frequncy or to correct a callsign. And I think ths is good!  With the DXclusters there is much more interaction ongoing (mainly for Meteorscatter or EME QSOs, but also on 160m) which should be avoide for dxpeditions to rare places. [DK5WL]

I see no problems at all in fact I enjoyed the ability to see in real time what was going on and such.... well done guys/gals. [VE7JZ]

The one near real time experience I had was really cool. You make the Q and 1 minute later your call scrolls in the log window. Anything extra is nice but only AS LONG AS IT WORKS AT REASONABLE PERFORMANCE. Any new feature will be tried out by a lot of hams at the same time, and then it is just a matter of bandwidth ... We know what can happen now. So, for some real cool add-on features some kind of "sequencer" might be useful. Like in the queue at the service counter: you take a number, wait for your turn, and then you can do your thing but only once unless you take another, new number. In this way you can effectively modulate the usage of some options. If bandwith becomes a bottle-neck you simply slow down the pace at which the numbers are given. Also you might want to run DXA on various servers distributed over the world. Important data should be replicated to all servers every minute (still near real time), less time critical data can be replicated less frequent. The total load per server can be reduced considerably by this technique (my company's mail system works that way). [PF5X] [Enno]

From my point of view, REAL-TIME DXING give closer realtionship with the DXpedition-people. It reduces rumors and false information during the activity and brings the impression of a part of the world in my house. Thank you for all you gave to the ham-community! [DJØGM]

A great help to dxing live pictures would be nice. Thanks for your effort Bob.  [KO6RS]

Internet is a reality. I think that interest, participation, enjoyment and knowledge will increase and amplify the number of amateurs involved in a dx-pedition. Online log is useful, dx-cluster informations are useful. I enjoyed very much K7C dx-pedition, even if very difficult to listen here. I have spent several hours of my time to go to my station (which is not at my home qth, but at the holyday qth in the Alps at 1500m a.s/l), activate it and listen to the K7C frequencies. Only 2 qso's were possible, on 30 and 40 cw with lot of difficulties.The last 2 years I have increased the time spent for catching dx-peditions, with lot of fun.DXA was very much appreciated here. [HB9AUS]

Personally, having limited time, for operating, I find such info invaluable. Do not believe it has ethic problem or takes mystery(?) or quality(?) from the event. Would like to suggest, if not already listed, the reasonably precise frequency of the DX transmit station, and frequency(s) where DX station is listning, at that time. Such listing allows ease of movement to avoid intentional interference when occuring. My thanks for the K7C expedition and appreciation to all participants including QSL managers. [W6KT]

I don't think the real time aspect detracts from the DXing.  I personally like to find DX by spinning the dial.  With a major DXpedition, the finding is not too tough, and DXA was much fun.  I can see a potential problem with real time reporting and DXCC ethics issues.  I suppose that will resolve it's self with the history of the QSLing.  I'd rather not see realtime video of operators or radios.  I like seeing the entities that are in QSO, but I'm not sure I like realtime callsigns.  I need to think on that some more. Realtime contest scoring between teams or individuals seems interesting. Might be fun to watch IARU.  A page of windows for various teams. I look forward to the next version and use. A web page that gives info on upcoming events would be interesting. [NU6T]

I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with the idea.  That said, it has to be as close to 100% correct as possible or it isn't worth the time and effort.  I realize there were warnings about it not being the actual log, but it introduced doubt about whether or not I actually had made the Q, or was it someone else.  With conditions as they were (not wonderful, as you know), and being in the peanut whistle class, I couldn't be sure.  So, in the hubub I deleted the contact out of my log.  Then, something on the order of 2 days later I saw on DXA that I had a good contact on 30m.  As this was the only time you were strong enough at my QTH to work on 30, this was a big relief!  I put it back in my log - although I may be a few minutes off time wise now.  I sure hope the QSL mgr. won't hold it against me!!! [W5GA]

The future is here.  I don't see how you can improve what you have already.  I found it informative ( something I could share with non-hams at work) and fun to use during my working you .  It was fun to see how our friends did too! [NK6A]

I hope more DXpeditions make use of DXA program, you feel more involved with the DXpeditions. 

Does having a website that presents log information, live streaming video, interactivity with the onsite team, etc. reduce the "mystery" and "magic" of DXing? No

Do you see any problems with ethics, mechanics, or quality of DXing due to the use of the internet? I don't have a problem with what was done on the Kure DXpedition ( the information I recieved and used was to see what area was being works and to see what the progation to different parts of the world. I don't belive in using the computer or internet for DX credited contacts. To use the computer of information as was used on Kure Island is more useful information on a real time bases. 

Are there any features, services, activities, etc. that you would like to see that internet technology can provide? No. I think DXA is a great program to be used by DXpedition , it was the first time I have used any thing that was as helpful and on a real time based. My compliments to you on a great and useful tool. [W6EKR]  

Just a note Bob...I was at the DX Convention and heard/watched your K7C presentation.  It was great and I appreciate what you are trying to accomplish by taking us to the next step.   Within the next year I hope to be retiring and will keep my eye on your website sounds appealing to jump into one of your dx-peditions if there is room someday.  I have been to Midway(work related)...and I know the trip along that line of Islands isn't wonder you had a lot of "green" team members...I probably would have been one of them fun.  But being dx is always fun!  73's and best wishes. Dick [W6TK]

Knowing that you are in the log rather than having to make insurance contacts makes it all worth while. [W6YOO]

I LOVE  having REAL-TIME DX Information. Knowing you are in the logs saves on dupes. Knowing what band they are on helps get the QSO in the Log. I see NO problem with ethics, mechanics or quality of DXing.  [N6WK]

DXA was my first opportunity to observe logged contacts on line in real time. I was very impressed and found it to be a source of enjoyment. On a couple of occasions I noted problems with the "greenies" and wasn't sure I could trust them but this was minor and temporary.

I recall one contact in particular after which I immediately saw my callsign appear on the map (west coast). I took a digital picture of this to bolster my ego.

I have an HP computer (with XP) and flat monitor and I had no problems observing the information on your site. In fact, I was very impressed by how good it really was.

It is absolutely amazing to me what modern technology can do. First it was K7C and more recently 3Y0X with real time (or close to it) logging.

In addition to be an ego booster it serves a very real purpose for those that may be operationally limited and are looking forward to each and every contact. In addition it should help cut down on the pile ups and the dups.

I visited the site often and enjoyed the information provided. When it was all over I checked my log against yours and followed the instructions for QSLing.

I'm sure that all of this is not new to you but basically I enjoyed DXA and found it to be very useful. I even used it to verify qso's for others that did have the capability.

Overall, a really great effort !


Keith Hoyt......K6GXO


73 - Doug Dowds, W6HB

REAL-TIME DXING: How do you feel about real-time information for DXpeditions?   I think it is great!  I believe it cuts down on the number of insurance contacts   

Does having a website that presents log information, live streaming video, interactivity with the onsite team, etc. reduce the "mystery" and "magic" of DXing?   
No it enhances it.  Hams have always been innovators and implementers of technology. 

Do you see any problems with ethics, mechanics, or quality of DXing due to the use of the internet? No, the  internet is just another of the tools available to be used by the DXer's   


My wife and I enjoyed the website and up to the minute logging, I don't think it took away any "magic" if anything it made us feel a part of it. Turn the AC on and i got the cold air. Well almost. Thanks for the great program and hope to see more of it in the future. [W6WTG]

I think real time DXing adds another diminsion and is fun to watch and confirms contacts on the fly. Thanks in advance for making it available. [W6UR]

I am a traditional guy with respect to DXing so in most instances I might say that the additional technology is more of a hindrance, kind of like the problems that the packet cluster can create (I do happen to use the packet cluster, however, if for no other reason than to keep abreast of who is on the air or what band might be open).  DXA is different from the usual technology.  It has given me the unique ability to "join" the dxpedition from my operating position.  It also gave me direct access to information about the DXpedition (message center) as well as where you were operating and where you were not.  The green squares gave me peace of mind that my QSO was good when conditions were marginal.  I provide all of these reasons that the mystery and magic of dxing was not reduced for me personally.

Ethics:  At hamcom you mentioned concerns from the ARRL about the use of DXA.  I don't know if I really understand that aside from this being a knee-jerk reaction from the League.  It is my hope that after the fact, they have seen a real benefit.  I also hope that you have provided the example to the ARRL that you used during your presentation of the guy who tried to get a QSL for QSO's that were not in the log.  I really think that should speak volumes to them about how this system can enhance the DXing experience -- kinda like how contest robots have enhanced and made the log checking process as fair as it has ever been.  Personally, if you don't have my call sign exactly correct, I don't deserve the QSL.

I hope this information is helpful.  I don't feel I have told you anything that you haven't already heard.  If anything this has been a testimony to why systems like this should be used.

The highlight for me was being able to work K7C 1 hour after sunrise on 80m through a JA wall and seeing myself as one of the only US stations on the "worked in the last 1 minute" window... talk about an ego boost.

I enjoyed seeing your program and hope you get the chance to go someplace great again soon.  If you ever need an extra CW op for a trip, please keep me in mind! [KB5NJD]

How do you feel about real-time information for DXpeditions? Essential to draw youth

Does having a website that presents log information, live streaming video, interactivity with the onsite team, etc. reduce the "mystery" and "magic" of DXing? No, greatly adds to it

Do you see any problems with ethics, mechanics, or quality of DXing due to the use of the internet? As long as the two way HF contact is there, no

Are there any features, services, activities, etc. that you would like to see that internet technology can provide? Will let you know [NA5U]

I am a PC/Communication freak AND DXer. DXA meets my interests 100% and allocated a new dimension for me. [DF2LH]