Organization - Location
Feb 3 | Diablo Valley College - Bay stations |
Mar 13 | Shorebird Nature Center - Training - S. F. Bay |
Apr 17 | Berkeley Bay Festival - Berkeley |
Apr 1 | Shorebird Nature Center |
Apr 2 | Shorebird Nature Center |
Apr 20 | Reposition boat Berkeley to Martinez |
Apr 22 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Apr 23 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Apr 24 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Apr 25 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Apr 26 | San Ramon Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Apr 27 | San Ramon Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Apr 28 | Reposition boat Martinez to Berkeley |
May 1 | St. Mary's College - Angel Island |
May 2 | St. Mary's College - Angel Island |
May 13 | Shorebird Nature Center |
May 14 | Shorebird Nature Center |
May 18 | Shorebird Nature Center |
May 19 | Shorebird Nature Center |
May 23 | St. Mary's College - Angel Island |
June 5 | Shorebird Nature Center - California Academy of Sciences |
June 19 | Explorers Club - Angel Island |
Aug 4 | Shorebird Nature Center |
Sep 21 | Reposition boat Berkeley to Monterey |
Sep 24-26 | Cordell Expeditions - Pt. Sur expedition |
Oct 8-10 | Cordell Expeditions - Pt. Sur expedition |
Oct 15-17 | Cordell Expeditions - Pt. Sur expedition |
Oct 18 | Reposition boat Monterey to Berkeley |
Nov. 2 | Reposition boat Berkeley to Martinez |
Nov. 4 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Nov. 5 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Nov. 6 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Nov. 7 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Nov. 8 | Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Nov. 9 | San Ramon Diablo Valley College - River stations - from Martinez |
Nov. 10 | Reposition boat Martinez to Berkeley |